Spanish economy falls 12 %

>the revenge of monteczuma

Attached: españa-pequeño-bandera-en-un-mapa-colección-de-ilustraciones__k19571437.jpg (450x470, 35.85K)

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Wow worse than italy

we don't need any machi pichu to curse Spain economically, and btw, his descendants are still alive and part of the highest spanish nobility

tourism is like 10-15% of the spanish economy, basically we go to the fucking ruin

Between 9-12%, 12% in the worst scenario

>Between 9-12%, 12% in the worst scenario
that's worse than 2008 lmao

why can't meds or med descendants avoid horrible economies?

What can I do to help my spanish friends?

Se rgresa al campo. Es buena cosa en realidad, es agora que los jovenes españoles , vascos catalanes lol que quieras se despierten de la nube del erasmus.

send sauerkraut and paulaner

I actually can do that, yay :^) !

Yes, but it's not a structural problem, there's not a bubble. We'll see the decisions. It won't get worse than that

No es possible dependent de algo tan frivolo y momentaneo Como el turismo. Que se cuiden y se despierten

yeah but we are going to 25% unemployment rate again

We know what is that, other countries don't lol

We'll get structural problems similar to japan soon tho in the eurozone. Last crisis we pumped like several trillion € in cheap credits into the economy and this crisis we need another few trillion. That's not gonna be without effect, I espect a lot of zombie companies and bubbles.

Well, when we'll see spanish people cutting their politician's faces?

El FMI es más indulgente con los pronósticos: -8%. Y pone que otros países sufrirán más. La industria no sufrirá menos que el sector servicios.

nos vamos a la mierda jorge

We won't. What we will see is a shitlifting contest where everyone blames each other for the mismanagement of the country as a whole. Corrupt and inept politicians will only get more powerful and accepted because of this situation.

Thinking that Spain will suffer more than other European countries is dumb

Fuck. Something has to change. Someone has to to something.

The solution is obvious, more German gibs.

and i thought we had it bad, we're projected to fall 5%

Qué pesao con el turismo, igual en tu comunidad. Si un Shithole valenciano o andaluz. Catalunya, aún siendo la más visitada, tenemos una buena industria y una sector primario moderno :-)

I thought the revenge of monteczuma referred to diarrhea

I'm completely against the independence of any region in Spain, but I can't wait for this country to finally balkanise and destroy itself. We are a cursed people living on cursed land, we deserved to be anihilated.

Dejadnos a los Catalanes y Vascos libres. Dejad que nos salvemos. Os enviaremos arroz y vino, vale?

>Dejadnos a los Catalanes y Vascos libres.
que es plan despues de estos?
what is accomplished when you have to be EU or US member?

Sois los primeros que debéis morir, porque sois el origen de la degeneración. Cuando hablo de balcanización, me refiero a la independencia de Castilla, para dejaros con la mierda que quede y que os matéis a hostias.

You will be flooded with negroes, you will be flooded with maketos and charnegos, all you've accomplished is becoming weaker.

Attached: Spanish_dialects_in_Spain-en.png (788x500, 61K)

We’re technically a Med country and we’re doing fine.

t.mahnolo al islami

t. jordi al-tarradellas suleiman

How bad was it in 2008?

Catalunya alone. Valencia is a shithole. Las Baleares are ok for summer.

Si con industria te refieres a la seat y con sector primario moderno te refieres a esclavizar a moros para recoger peras entonces si

>t.mahnolo al islami
you'll be called a nazi and be forced to accept refugees, manolos and mupabe by Germany and France and USA.

Attached: barbossas hatred.png (324x333, 268K)

>Catalunya alone.
Catlonya nation lllure will be a slave to USA and EU and be forced to accept negroes and open borders with Spain you mongoloid.

>open borders with Spain
No. The minute they become independent Spain ceases to exist and a hard border will be erected between the glorious nation of Castile and their shithole, ojalá,

kys CHI, you'll never be spanish, stop larping as a defender of kingdom.
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