Mom threw away my bionicles

>mom threw away my bionicles
wtf mom

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My condolences, fren.

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Do they have bionicles in Russia?

lego magazine used to give those away for becoming a member

entire sets?

Yes, it used to be popular back in the days.

pic related is less gay than bionicles
neck yourself

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which is your favourite?

Time to grow up sonny

an entire bionicle set with the robot in the tube

i can relate
used to keep mine in a big plastic tub
mum got rid of it when i stopped playing with them for a while

>why yes, I am a fan of bionicle, what gave it away?

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I don't remember the names, I had the white one from the first generation and that evil sphere-shaped bionicle. When I moved I gave all my lego stuff and my sega genesis to children.

>tfw mom saved my legos including the original bionicles because "your kids will love them"
yeah... my kids

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wow even over there?how is your country like? very rare
you mean the bohrok sets?

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Yes, exactly

I used to hide my used cum tissues in the canisters

Flex your bionicle collection boys. Here’s mine

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Dont do that.

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Does anybody even doubt the first gen was the best?

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Why don't you combine them?

it's missing those little niggas from happy meals

>simple designs, more technic than action figure
>cool ass aesthetic, bots in a tribal island
yeah I'm thinking it's soul

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I like them separate. I might make the gigachads again someday.

This was the first bionicle I ever owned, because my mom bought it for me to build so I didn't have to think about 9/11

Do it

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Why do you hate them?

Damn i wonder if i still have mine. I remember the first gen ones, the ball shaped ones and the tall ones with a spear

>doesn't own the black one or the only female

They are like russians but worse

Nah, I'll never believe that someone could be worse than russians.

Gigus Bionicles

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Bitch did the same to me man

Ok cucky

my mother gave my star wars novels away

good, star wars is cringe.
the novels are even worse