>your country
>do you like a good food
yes i like a good food very much, pic related its a good food
>your country
>do you like a good food
yes i like a good food very much, pic related its a good food
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fuck of Bavarian faggot, it's called Kässpätzle
what is german food? sausage and beer?
i like your mom's puss
Doubtful, she's human not canine.
Yes and always remember that Nürnberger are the best sausages.
Dear Germans, what constitutes a 'Bosna' sausage? Is it a brand? Is it an Austrian thing? Or is there a Bosnian sausage variety in the German lands?
Never heard of it, I don't think it is strictly defined. Only few protected names exist and it seems anything can theoretically be a bosna sausage, although this sausage seems to be Austrian and I don't know how they legally handle their sausages.
>yes i sure do
Chorizo is better than any German sausage.
yes i like a good food very much, pic related its a good food
I hate a good food
If I didn't like it, it wouldn't be good.
pic related is a good snack
there is no national german cuisine
Bosna is an Austrian hotdog
>I hate a good food
how can i make you love a good food
Looks yummy.
>Looks yummy.
thats because its a good food thank you dutchbro thank you for noticing
post a food that you think is good so i can learn from you
is that really a good food
because i wont lie that does not look like a good food, does not look like a good food at all if you catch my drift
it looks like a not so good food
but maybe i am wrong maybe i should not judge a book by its cover
Is that Mac and cheese? I love Mac and cheese
have you ever even seen a good food
I've seen Mac and cheese!
oh have you? have you really? tell me about your beloved mac and cheese, user. does it give you a warm hug when you come back home from work? does it give you a foot rub after a long hard day? does it fix you a delicious and healthy chicken broth when you're down with a cold? i think we both know the answers, user.
you have to make a bad food
>you have to make a bad food
i could, user. but it would go against everything that i believe in, against everything that is good in this wretched world, user. i could do it but i would lose my soul in the process, user.
but user, what if a good food is only in your head and the world is so bad that everything existing within it cannot under any circumstance be anything but a bad food?