Does this happen in your country too?
Does this happen in your country too?
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>45% have $0
Is that abnormal?
how the fuck do you make +$5000 a month and still have no savings
americans are mentally ill consoomers
Consooming is based
Yes, Germans are poor
Holy shit this how the fuck do you spend it all
Lol im the 6% in the us and a work a poor fag job. Just save instead using money on useless junk. Im not even cheap just dont need a new phone/tablet/juicemixer/etc every year
Even if I convert my savings to dollars at the current insane conversion rates I still have more money saved than 70% of Americans
>tfw 23 and have only 1500€ in savings
No way this is real, isn't the whole point of Americans not having socialized medicine, that instead of paying higher taxes, they save up and invest money instead, so they can use that money when an emergency arises?
Nope. You havr lower taxes so you can instead use that money to consoom
I don’t have a reliable source of income but still spend a lot of money and have a few thousand saved up. I just like to buy anime stuff.
>$1,000 a day
oh no
>Nearly 1 in 10 American workers making $100,000+ live paycheck to paycheck
Do Americans...?
>tfw I am between the 10% Americans with more saving even living in a third world shit hole
Majority of Americans make less than $1000 a month.
maybe if more americans stop Consooming endless products they could have some savings
Do they really?
As someone who lives as a student in America I'm telling you these idiots just buy things without even thinking. My friends weren't particularly bad at it but even frugal people like them would still spend on vidyagames, takeout multiple times a week, ganja, booze, vape juice, ciggies, and other unimportant shit.
Most Americans also NEED to have the latest phone, shoes, clothes, etc just so that they don't "look poor". They think credit cards are meant to be maxed out and then cry for Bernie once they want their money back. I worked with a girl who had like $2000+ in credit card debt. She was just a student manager at a Starbucks and would frequently go to countless festivals, buy tons of different vans shoes, and buy many different slutty clothes for festivals and going out to go get fucked. Now she did have a good amount of simps and occasionally daddy to bail her out and support her lifestyle, but if most Americans are like this (they probably are), then the entire country would go under if they suddenly went out of work for a long period of time.
bullshit, mexican illegals shoudnt be counted as americans
>this is what hyper-consumerism does to your brain
consoomers gonna consoom my man
we all live paycheck to paycheck but our debts are on the low side
I was being paid 37k a year before tax and I have 55k in savings total, what are americans doing
it's not savings, it's savings account
a lot of people will have a couple thousand in their savings and move everything else into investments
Lie. Median is 32 000.
Which is ironic because a lot of the illegals i know have more money saved up then some Americans.