cat edish
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
Other urls found in this thread:
why is jimi hendrix so heckin good at music bros
hey sashy, mind explaining why you think all americans should die?
last thread had 60 posters
my favorite edition
i think he's a bit overrated desu
his music is still good tho
oh shit i've been found! where should i hide now?
nth for fun times and fun people
So why do you hate americans?
Hmm. China is pretty bad.
Okay, fair enough.
>same image
>same filename
no hiding sashy, FUCK you fat fake nice mexican. get beheaded
Gonna stop saying the N word for my new year's resolution.
also posted in a thread he made
Any alt-centrists here?
idk lol
Absolutely based.
Also, that's an Italian flag.
Why do you even care, friendo?
Genuinely hate all mexican posters now
sashy wtf
... I'm not sure what that even means.
well well well
the truth comes out
Can't believe I would ever say this but Ale is officially less of a retarded poster than Sashy now.
Become an infamous criminal that even the most hardened street guys shake at the mere sight of
It means he's really smart and special because he "thinks differently." He "considers both sides of the argument."
It might be tough at the moment.
all mexicans are stupid and fat especially their tripfags and avatarfags
Couldn't he just use the word "centrist" or "moderate"? I wanna know what the alternative part is about.
Thinking about taking MDMA today
uhh, what thread?
pls don't, i like you user
Come to my house and take it with me.
wow rude
what are you trying to imply here?
>on an italian proxy
this is somehow the most insulting part
sashy just drop the nice guy act already. we have seen through your charade.
i even like ale more now.
Aww, that's cute.
Yeah, at least Ale doesn't hide behind a fake nice persona.
>sobering up
Gonna invade Mexico then make sweeping reforms.
For those who don't know how to use the archive
ale is genuinely a retard but sashy is just a cunt
It's a beautiful day to be conscious and present
Good times and happy feels, only.
I will personally hunt down anyone who inspires negativity ITT.
what would be your first
that's not me ._.
ffs that's not me, that's an italian
what act? what are you saying?
im the person with the highest iq herr tho
Oh boy, that sounds rough.
You doing okay?
>that's not me ._.
>same image
>same metadata
>in a thread you made
>tried to brush it off immediately
not very convincing bud
IQ is a gimmick.
It's just pattern recognition and spatial cognizance.
Was there ever a question of sashy being fucked up?
He listens to music about goat blood and virgin sacrifice
>italian with the same reaction images
>with the same file names
>posting with the exact same format you always use
>in a thread you made
Yas Forums clears metadata now nerd
Mexican Catholics literally worship death so I'm not surprised
I still like sashy. If i was a mexican fag i would hate mutts too
Go to the most recent sashy post and click "view same"
i don't like urkel bros
>same image
>same metadata
those pics are easily available, it's not like they are super rare or something
idk how tf to use a proxy
also i have seen threads of that other mexican using those mokou pics, he seems adorable, but again that ain't me, his thread is't even written how i write
All taxes go to leafland. Cartel dickheads get abandoned on a raft in the Atlantic. Rapidly building new cities, and completely changing others save for cultural roots. New Holiday celebrating your now ongoing journey into the first world.
Aight, I'm out.
I'm going to exercise. You guys better clean up your act before I come back.
Update: last thread had 61 posters
Dare I say sash has been CANCELED
mexicans are 5 times the mutts americans are
and mexicans live in this country lawless about 8 million each
motherfucker, the creator of those mokou pics has a folder on her twitter availble with loke 400 pics with the same filenames, i just keep adding pics according how many she has been releasing, so far there are almost 600
>exact ame format
what format?
also i didn't even made that thread
that post wasn't me ffs -_-