Montenegro looks like THIS?

Montenegro looks like THIS?

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Montenegro has one of europe's deepest river canyon

Attached: Montenegro-Canyon-1067x1600.jpg (1067x1600, 359.99K)


Montenegro? More like montenigger lmao

It is one of the least visited countries in Europe.

Attached: montenegro_tara_river-514157248-rndms_.jpg (2250x1332, 1.3M)

is this true

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my friend and his wife went to Kotor for their honeymoon because "the star wars game bro, lmao", and it turned out to be an excellent choice. Also dirt cheap

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Kotor is a clear demonstration of venetian genius

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The country has negro in it. Ofcourse they're lazy subhuman slavs.

A Croatian friend told me that they have a joke that the travel slogan for Montenegro is: "Come to beautiful Montenegro! Your car is already here!"

Implying that they steal cars a lot

I'll visit someday

racism is cringe, go die somewhere where you won't bother other people


Not this year but it will be overrun by tourists very quickly soon. There are a lot of cruiseships.

Every non-mainstream travel destination is already mainstream dwell on that


Was hiking up the fortress earlier today

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why so grey

Niiiice. Seems like great exercise

To portray the emptiness that's dwelling inside of me
One from the mountain on the other side

Approximately 1400 steps till the top, keeps you in shape

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The joke actually means people in the Balkans drive second hand cars from Germany, Austria,
Italy, etc.

I always assumed the Adriatic coast was choke-full of tourists, never been myself.

Would like to visit one day. Don't know what to see though

According to Wikipedia it was the 36th most visited country in Europe (out of 47) in 2016. Things have probaly changed a bit since then.

Poor man's Switzerland.

Based NEET master race.



not a bad thing


>It is one of the least visited countries in Europe.
Not really, it's just small.

Attached: tourist-arrivals-europe-per-capita-2016.jpg (1600x1600, 516.79K)

i've been a Montenegroboo for 5 years now

what? I thought they had lots of tourist
every single new worlder seems to go there when they visit europe

>new worlder
The great majority of tourists in European countries are other Europeans. Even when you look at France, Americans make a relatively small fraction of tourists.

Do you know the historical epithet given to Montenegro in the early modern era? I believe most people ITT have no idea - the Serbian Sparta.

it's per capita. even france doesn't have much and they have way more tourists than germany.

So which parts were under Venetian control

The area between Lake Skadar to the north and the Adriatic to the South with Bar (Antivari - literally 'opposite of Bari (in Apulia)') and Kotor (Cattaro) bay.