Can any Americans confirm?
Can any Americans confirm?
All latinos should be deported back to their home countries including me.
I hate this shithole
Anyone got that webm of American cops driving in a cozy suburban neighborhood and shooting through their windows like it's GTA on an unarmed man?
can't you just walk back the way you came in
unironically a good meme highlighting conservative hypocrisy
Not really, white conservatives are often happy to defend authoritarianism that affects them too. A couple black cops shot an unarmed white man in Chicago and there wasn't much of an outcry from conservatives because they just love cops that much.
How is the 3rd picture not obeying the law?
Protesting and the right to bear arms is their right
America was a country built on a core white identity so whenever the chance arrives they sugercoat anything that will suppress their non-whites. Also thats why the definition of white is ever expanding cause at some point they couldn't just throw out all the people that didn't fit their previous definition of white
holding the flag the wrong way, that's a crime
Temporary lockdown prohibit gatherings of more than 10 people. They're calling bullshit on this reach of power.
I was born here and need to pay 2k to give up my citizenship
He wouldnt last here a single day. If he is extremely lucky he will get sold as a sex slave.
Idk if they registered their demonstration anyway
We have these laws too but it doesn't stop people from protesting
Police usually just stand by and pick off stragglers
illegals getting deported is based
>If he is extremely lucky he will get sold as a sex slave.
Why would that happen are mexicans faggots?
But most of us were born in the US, this is our home country
As they should
I can confirm it.
Conservatives are hypocrites, through and through.
>But most of us were born in the US, this is our home country
We do not belong here
Did you respond to the wrong post by mistake?
If we're going to play that game then nobody belongs here except for the English/Scottish/Dutch minority that originally founded the US. So like 80% of the population would have to go.
Yes my mistake. Also people of British descent are under reported here also wouldn't mind it off everyone else left
Meant for
lol what the hell are you talking about
In all 3 cases they are defending the safety of the nation and its people
>America was a country built on a core white identity
*British identity
The Founding Fathers had no love for other whites, they tolerated the French, generally disliked Germans, and flat-out hated the Irish.
Rightfully so, i hate how other countries such as mine are cucked in comparison to freedomland.
Are you talking about the thing in Maryland where they killed a guy in his sleep by just firing at random at his window in broad daylight? I didn't know there was video. It's insane what cops can get away with
America is a shithole, pls deport me
>illegals can't make a living now
>dont get gibs because they dont pay taxes and are generally a leach on the system
This. Conservatives believe that laws apply only to other people.
True but as i said it the identity kept expanding with more immigrants/settlers. It was also like any other northwestern european country genetically for most of its history
>About half of Americans born at the turn of the 20th century had blue eyes, according to a 2002 Loyola University study in Chicago. By mid-century that number had dropped to a third. Today only about one 1 of every 6 Americans has blue eyes, said Mark Grant, the epidemiologist who conducted the study.
>>illegals can't make a living now
Im not illegal i was born here and Im on welfare
>>dont get gibs because they dont pay taxes and are generally a leach on the system
illegals can get gibs even if they do not pay taxes
I only want people to be deported because I want them to be assimilated into your disgusting amerinegro culture.
>illegals can get gibs even if they do not pay taxes
Explain to me how illegals are getting trumpbux without paying taxes and without SSNs
That is actually one of many ways to hold the flag.
Many people think the stars on the right is backwards because so many see them on the left. But both are correct, but have different meanings if you want to dig deep into the historical context.
The stars on the left is show in times of peace, as that is how the flag typically is seen at the capital. However the stars on the right is shown in times of war, as that is how the flag waves as the flag bares charges on the battle field during an advance. The stars are always held closest to the flag pole, so which side it is on is determined by the wind and which way the flag pole moves. Then there is the upside down flag to show distress, depending on ....
(never study to be flag-bearer, there is a textbook worth of this useless trivia taking up a part of my brain)
Works for normal gibs not trump bucks
illegals pay taxes & have fake ssn
>replying to the same post twice
Yeah they pay sales taxes and property taxes, not income taxes
>identity kept expanding with more immigrants/settlers.
It really hasn't
libertarians are the ones protesting here
I'm honestly surprised America is the only nation with these sorts of protests. Not the gun-waving, that's normal, but just protests over the isolation and no-work.
Like everyone I know who is even half-social is going coocoo and the people who were already half-coocoo have gone way over the edge. I guess America has more crazy social people, but I'm just surprised we haven't seen this sort of stuff in other cunts too.