>Japanese people are polite and mild-mannere-
Japanese people are polite and mild-mannere-
I'm pretty sure only Taiwan has Costco
Costcos are usually a cesspool of foreigners. I wonder how many are real Japanese
only explanation is that those boxes contain war crimes
I was not aware that Japan has Costco too. Are they popular?
I'm Taiwanese. Taiwan has two costcos in Taipei.
We've been buttfucked by china too many times so please don't blame us for panicking especially when no one else in the world bothers listening to us
Things sort of calmed then but then a bunch of fucking laowei and ABCs went/returned to Taiwan and brought the virus with them.
I fucking hate chinese and English teachers so much
I bet they are koreans
Japan has Costco, retard.
those are koreans in japan, japanese hygene are the best in the world
>Are they popular?
Usually among foreigners.
They're not centrally located usually and of course require the pass which I believe costs some money for a year?
Usually foreigners buy the pass and split it among themselves so different people can benefit from the same pass.
Sorry but you are Chinese
no. im not even sure if japan has that. most normies dont use mutt stores like this anyway cause they demand customers pay an expensive annual fee that doesnt fit japanese norms.
Apparently, they have fifth highest number worldwide, just after the UK.
Considering that Costco is generally smart about choosing locations for its warehouses, I wouldn't think that such a high number would be without reasonable customer bases, especially since Japan is such a consumerist society.
>Laowai brought it back
Lol people returning to your country are 90% Nationals why do you immediatly blame laowais for that
Japanese are wild animals!
This. Everybody in that video are Zainichi Koreans or Chinese.
Same with the people with coronavirus and those that died. All 10,000 infected are dirty Koreans/Chinese who don't wash and are unhygienic. Japanese people are the cleanest.
A bunch of sexpat engrish teachers from SEA flocked to Taiwan when Taiwan announced closing of borders because they felt that they would be safer in Taiwan than SEA.
I'm not saying all imported cases are from dirty gaijin but they no doubt brought some of it back.
unironically they mightve been chink resellers cause selling masks on auction sites wasnt illegal a few months back. they were always buying them up like this. depends on when this video was taken.
This. Japan has no Costcos. It's all Korean or Chinese.
that's china
japan don' do this ok?
Statistic don't lie
accept your fate
Also I have seen how the Changs behave in Japan with my own eyes, there is no way this crowd is Japanese
civility exists only when you have everything you need
t.Karl Marx
They are all Chinese
What does it say by it?
thank god im japanese
all rook same
those are obviously chinks and gooks
They are all gooks and chinks who living inside of japan. 0 japanese in that video.