Explain Kazakhstan to me:

Explain Kazakhstan to me:
>look like Mongols
>are Muslims
>speak Russian

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she's unique there, there's no other girls in the world like her

they are mutts of central asia

>be mongol
>live in central asia (turkestan)
>golden horde came, bring religion
>golden horde decline
>russia rise, came, bring culture and mass education (in Russian)

>are Muslims

Attached: 1581237535349.gif (356x200, 1.76M)

They are Hapa Mongols.

they dont look like mongols tho, also why did you post my gf

Attached: 1581119328167.webm (640x800, 2.86M)

70%, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_in_Kazakhstan

>look like Mongols
>are Muslims
They’re Turkic.
>speak Russian

For me, it's Aya

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how do i get soviet muslim soldier gf that abuses me

They are too beautiful to be Muslim.

You already got it.

That's more Uzbeks really.

To get anything Soviet you need to recreate USSR first.

They're all mutts mutt.

her eyes are spaced very far apart

sign me up

Most people who look like mongols but aren't specifically mongols are muslim, and were conquered by Russia.

Turkic not Mongolian.

Say thanks for 1971.

Ugly potato-nosed mutt.

Kazakhistan is fucking LIT

Que pasa negro???

>people who look like mongols but aren't specifically mongols
Are all Turkics

What's the difference?

More like Ayya

They were the same group originally but split off West later. They’re culturally different too

>KAZAKHSTAN TOP 40 Songs This Week | 08 March, 2019

Attached: youknowwhatitis.jpg (212x237, 4.12K)

Anglo, German, French, all the same.

Attached: Laughing Mongolian Girl with Camel.jpg (480x418, 44.17K)

That's a very nice rifle

>What's the difference?

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Yes, to an outsider they look and behave very similarly. I'm glad we agree.

it looks pretty shit desu, i've never shot one but i've shot a galil and the whole charging handle on the wrong side thing is retarded (on galil atleast you can reach it from both sides)


Is Khabib Nurmagomedov Kazakh?

He is Mountain nigga



Turks and azeris are also turkic but don't look mongol at all

Same energy

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