Wagecucks can’t refute this.
Wagecucks can’t refute this
Being NEET is fun the first 4 years, after that you start going crazy
t. ex-NEET
Sad to hear that don't have time to travel with several hours per week of wagecucking. Good thing I have unlimited time to do anything.
Really?? How??
>bumping this bait
This, after the first few years depression starts to creep up on you and you realize you spent all your best years sitting infront of a screen in your room consuming media
I traveled as a NEET, that's how I got to bang a qt Estonian and a qt German
>no argument
>you realize you spent all your best years sitting infront of a screen in your room consuming media
Said by a wagie who spend most of his life working 60+ hours of wageslavery, forcing to wake up too early and force feed yourself.
I'm an ex-neet, spent 3 years as a full on hikiko and have diagnosed schizoid pd, I still get government benefits and disabilitybux, but going outside and working part time really helps to change your daily pace and fix your sleep schedule and making sure you get enough sunlight. and in general just gives you a sense of direction
French Polynesia?
Possible with rich parents who dgaf
What don't you understand?
Some ex colony
If you can be truly happy whilst doing nothing that gives you a sense of accomplishment I'm happy for you, user.
Based fellow NEETwegian, the bux are good these days!
You don't have to travel, just do what makes you happy
>working part time really helps to change your daily pace and fix your sleep schedule
Waking up 06:00 and don't get enough sleep doesn't really change shit besides getting tired all the time, it's healthy to have enough sleep, Schlomo.>and in general just gives you a sense of direction
Gives you what? For being a NPC normalfag slave and being slave to the debt and taxation and suffer rest of your life with this??
>Krautfag is still repeating the same strawman and can't even come up an actual argument.
If you can be happy for working 60+ hours of working on a office or a fast food chain with an aggresive and rude boss, being a slave to the debt and taxes and belive what society tells you what to do and be like everybody else, then I guess I'm happy for you too.
never worked a day in my life
in a week my unemployedbux gets doubled for six months
gonna save money to travel overseas a bit
You should try it if you get some days off at some point
>Wagecucks can’t refute this.
I can. My mother lives in a senior community. I couldn't live with her even if I wanted to; I'm not old enough. (My father is deceased.)
I wish this fucking format would die already