This is how the average american guy looks

>this is how the average american guy looks

Attached: tumblr_oxfh6kBaoD1vfj967o6_250.jpg (250x250, 29.8K)

Literally not even the average guys in the show he was in looked like that stfu

>americans look like this despite only eating stuff like this
what is their secret?

Attached: burger.jpg (520x390, 50.82K)

Honestly they do look like what they eat

he looks black to me

pretty fem face

high fructose corn syrup, my friend

young Germanic hollywood sex abuse victims like that boy aren't eating burgers and fries

He's not german at all

Brown hair and light eyes is the best combo

I do not find men with feminine faces attractive, I even prefer ugly men over them, as long as they are masc ofc

It's because you are ugly yourself

Is this a coping mechanic?

Attached: tumblr_oxfh6kBaoD1vfj967o7_250.jpg (250x250, 30.63K)

ha ha, imagine having gay sex with him, ha ha

I find feminine people attractive but only if they are traps or frmboys

Made for _____

Amerimutts are largely stupid about most euro groups automatically anything with light eyes is anglo to them. I trolled a bunch of mutts the other day who thought this guy was anglo. He's slav, and they called his dark co-star (not pictured) Jewish when he was the actual anglo

Attached: 0000-22404.jpg (960x640, 100.86K)

*average chicano guy

Attached: 736full-froy-gutierrez.jpg (736x919, 66.68K)

God tier genetics, being the perfect blend of various Northern European nationalities
>Amerimutts are largely stupid about most euro groups automatically anything with light eyes is anglo to them.
Lolol what? If anything we associate blue eyes/blonde hair with Germans.

He's Mexican.

He's Richard Madden's current twink.

Attached: ERdXXxuUwAEewmR.jpg (1080x1809, 278.43K)


>north european nationalities

isn't he mexican?

Im brown & a tranny.
Chicanos are not mexican, mexican is just a nationality

All of South USA is Mexican clay.

he's a chicano amerimutt

Mexican flags on this board say we are not mexican

Even from a white perspective he doesn't look anglo or german to me. With those eyes and face structure, i'd mistake him for having baltic influence.

i would walk through a mile of broken glass for a chance to suck his cock

>All of South USA
I would think a Brit would have a better grasp of where the British colonized. Then there is the area the French colonized and the fact that in texas and California the grand total of Mexicans in both was like 10k. The Spanish/Mexicans thought a mission and a few ranches in an area filled with natives was colonizing versus 2 million in the 13.

Mexicans can be white. It's just the vast majority are not. Also he's probably half white half latino which is white basically anyways.

imagine me having gay sex with him ahaha

can confirm, I am hispanic but I look somewhat like this and I eat mexican food and burgers. The secret is being raised into sports so you are high t in childhood. I did soccer for my entire childhood and track/football in middle school. This gave me a wider looking face and doing cardio workouts and for a couple years in high school helped. Now all of the fat is in my hips like a female.


>Also he's probably half white half latino which is white basically anyways.
This is what all race-obsessed amerindians say to themselves