
coronavirus symptoms

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hope this is not true

Mad how his reputation will NEVER recover and he will always be remembered as the poo cuckold


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Don't imagine Cambridge has any pubs

stop fucking posting this

god i fucking love e-celebs

Appreciate your dedication to this gimmick lad.

Would you believe that I too have had coronavirus symptoms?!? Yes, that's right - your fellow /brit/poster has once had a cough and a fever. Hard to believe, but I assure you this is no yarn.

you think he put like WEED in there man??

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It’s not true
They’re closed forever

They just wouldn't rule it out so tabloids hyped it up to be 100% true

oh my dayyyyyyyyyyyyyyys

Hope it is tbqh
Can be on NEETtoil for the rest of the year then

Walking the pet poz pig

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Post this again and ill spin your jaw

>Once in a lifetime chance to save 90% of your income, learn new skills, better yourself mentally and physically, improve yourself to get out of the job you hate when things get back to normal

>Sit indoors all day on Yas Forums

this is my first post today la

Railway signaller

Hilarious how poley has now become like Gollum, going on about how pretty Sméagol is and how much everyone loves Sméagol

>stop fucking posting this

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he was alt right until it came out
after he added a halfcast 3rd host to his show and has atleast one random nigger on every live stream now almost out of embarrassment

hilarious how noone cares about your soapopera bullshit

What bro

I don't hate my job though. Literally getting paid to sit at home and post on Yas Forums.

Personally I have been running everyday and massively improving my calisthenics. Still have time in the day to call people niggers on the chon now that toilberg doesn't have me by the balls

Its true. Also 596 dead on page 4

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blimey what is that goblin on the left

fantastic post

Comfy job in theory.
In reality I'd lose focus and get someone killed

i warned you

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i can't stop but i have no income anyway lmaooo

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sits inside all day lifting weights and watching films
so far watched cool hand luke and 30 mins into raging bull
and eaten scrambled eggs on bagels

Done a pray

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Did she suck him off?

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ever noticed that 99% of Christians are raging hypocrites who'd turn a blind eye to their own child being nonced if it meant rejection from their religious community?

Rorke advocating for cannibalism

Just want to live in Cool Britannia

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She's so fucking grim

"try baking" they said
"you'll be surprised how easy it is" they said

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>omg I can't wait to get back to work!!

No. You miss the structure and being told what to do.
You do not miss dragging yourself out of bed at 6am, being stuck in traffic, doing pointless menial work that you don't care about and coming home at 5:30 tired as fuck dreading the next day.

Go fuck yourself.

>who are you quoting?
The people in group chats and normies on social media crying about missing toil.

Amazing how fucking ugly she is


doesnt look like the king james to me

lmao Corbyn be like "i didn't want those millions of votes anyway"

based hues


give it some welly lad

Literal homosexuals

with a hint of peng

see they never tell you this do they

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Fantasy, never existed

Kashmir on the ropes

playing minecraft lads. what do you think of my house? could be making better use of my time honestly haha

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anyone seen the latest pics on moni's onlyfans?

one word : PHWOARRRRR

>i suffer in the 3rd world

Indian rocks!

an old socialist from the 1970s was never going to win an election in Britain, this country is too right-wing and imperial for a guy like him

Superpower by 2020 indeed

ofc you'd say that you eat everyday in your car alone whilst your coworkers have fun together during lunch break

everyone grew up doing stuff like this. dad broken his collarbone doing it off a big hill once.

don't like how many vines you have on the walls
don't like the colour of the walls and the roof
other than that it's very nice

Shut up

p___ b_____ s__ o_______

anyone seen the latest pics on amer's onlyfans?


grass roof, yeah im thinking trad as fuck!

is that a dunny out back?

If cartoons can make people into nonces, does this one make people want to fuck cats? (for me, yes)

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Wish i'd had the guts to become an indie music artist and make a middling success of it. Want live among the pretentious urban art ho's even though a big part of me despises them. All that awaits me here is toil and the small minded outlook of my fellow working class toilsters

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>Right wing

wanted a grass roof like in the faroe islands houses, but it didn't really work so i had to use green wool haha

it's a shitty well. haha bit of a pun there mate. because a shit well could be a slang term for a dunny. but no, it's just a well that is poorly constructed.

>noooo not the heckin pubserino
Grow up

hello london

Do we just make things up now?