Can non native English speakers understand this without looking at the lyrics?
Can non native English speakers understand this without looking at the lyrics?
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there's annoying sound in the back
the bass?
bumping so you faggots can answer my question
the whole music, it's shit
I can understand a few sentences here and there but that's it.
you really have shit taste, not my fault
sure, Jerome, now post some cringe french rap you listen to
can you usually understand songs sung in English?
what's the point, you already have problems understanding your native tongue songs
Yeah, I almost never have any problem understanding them. I'm a certified high C2.
about half of it on a first listen
never heard that early stuff. mad to think that this is them four years later:
>unironically listen to french rap
>ironically implying stuff in an unironic way
thick British accents even fucks with other English speakers.
He sounds like he needs to blow his nose.
Could understand a few phrases here and there, but that's it
>ironically implying stuff in an unironic way
wtf this music is terrible
I bet even native speakers cant understand this trash
it's Ray's brother singing, which is why they sound different. also, Preservation Society is patrician taste. shame the album doesn't get the recognition as other 60's album.
The Kinks are big in Mexico
what's life like in Nepal?
so what?
Not really that rare. I've seem quite a few proxies from there
not as rare as a smart american flag
>so what?
because bands like these are usually big in B R A Z I L
I'm not on Yas Forums 24/7 so I don't see Nepal flag often. thought they were rare here.
Yes >:(
Can understand like 50% of what they're saying
>what's life like
just like yours, just poorer and dirtier
Nigga there's like one guy besides me, and we're both not proxies
Slurry words, "every time I see her she's with another guy" then more slurry words.
enjoy :)