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t. alberto barbosa



>page 6
portugal be kidding me

Todays haul;

2x Crispy bacon strips
1x Pringles Piri Piri
1x Pringles Salt and Vinegar
1x Coca Cola (6pc cans)
1x Sprite (8pcs cans)
1x Maynards Bassetts Fizzy Fish
1x Walkers Sensations Sweet Chili (150g)
1x Dolin Vermouth de Chambéry Rouge (75cl)

I stand with the Virgin Islands


just yelled bitch at the end of the conference call and left immediately haha hope the ceo doesnt think im an utter spastic after that


>not buying mcCOYS hehe

the Lighthouse was the best film of the last 7 years

best part about being white is being able to drink excessively

yeah haha


>Branson begging for handouts

>Walkers Sensations Sweet Chili (150g)

best part about being paki is being able to rape excessively

why did you not use the blue hair anime new you stupid retards . it was posted first

that is the prime exemple of an exaggerated statement

Rorke drinks rainwater

don't get how people listen to music
do you just fucking sit there like some spacked out mong and while some sound plays
really virginous in all honesty


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Thoughts on people in their 20s smoking tobacco?

apart from chinks what races cant drink excessively?

everyone else

literally me

Personally, I Meditate

Why aren't houses like this more common?

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the virgin vocabulary

your mutt still dead mate?


Best part about being white is not having to work for anything in life

very, very based

listening to music right now lol

Natives can't handle it at all but they drink a lot nonetheless


literally everyone else

only whites and slavs can drink properly

where's big ball sack user . wonder if his body is 90% scrotum yet

Retards who are aware of the risks. Don't care so long as they do it within their designated areas and don't harm their families with it.

Haven't seen many Chinks about, wonder if they've all gone into hiding

cheers to that mate!

binge drinking culture is mental and fun but grim

the nip has a point, unless im drunk or at the gym listening to music is shit

slavs are white you imbecile

you realise thats a symptom of autism and/or sociopathy?

Mental how this Canadian shooter has been completely swept under the rug cause of chinky flu

janny spends 1 thread enforcing some tedious rule only to let 3 threads stay up at one time

plot twist: it's joe stokes

utterly based
the norse-teuton-saxon race REQUIRES the sustenence of ALE, BEER, BEEF, BUTTER, CHEESE

died after nhs nurses stopped mid surgery to practice a dance routine

nah just the hangovers ruin it

the prodigal new

>slavs are white you imbecile

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thinking about history and that

>The virgin mass shooter
>The chad pandemic

The worst ones are people who take time out of their day to listen to albums in full, as if they have any intellectual merit that requires your full attention span.

hello grandad!

Feel sorry for em in a way, that they're all shouldering the blame cos one mongo ate a spider or whatever it was

mad how their police get away with dressing like poofs

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Falls under the grim umbrella

tips on preventing premature ejaculation?, apart from having a wank beforehand ofcourse

Doesn't seem very essential. Shall be telling the police about his little post of yours.

Only northwestern europeans are white.
And if you the true definition (nary a drop) - only Northwestern Europeans with blue, green or grey eyes are white.



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fuck off nazi

racists seething

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Never had a hangover in my life, I always spew at the end of the night when I drink too much so I end up fine when I wake up.

keeping your wee wee in a chastity cage where it belongs

ive been getting hangovers since i was 15-16, seems to be genetics

Icelandic is the most pure white language. The closest root to our Hyperborean ancestors.

seething brown eyed brown handed mutt

only get hangovers if i forget to drink a couple of pints of water before bed

Any tight frenulum man in? Anyone know if I can buy steroid cream online instead of going to some jew doctor who will try to steal my precious foreskin?


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this nothing burger is letting up already . ffs lads we'll be back in the toil mines in a fortnight

He killed less people than Corona, also they were Nova Scotians.

tore down the wrong one in my eyes

Mistook this thumbnail for big bollock poster for a second.

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Drinking alcohol to get drunk makes you weaker

Correct, it should be at the bottom right corner infact.

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Snitches get stitches

I guess she made it make sense

want to do this but in a car

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toil left me a message asking me to phone them. ignoring it at the moment

If our numbers remain low today and tomorrow, then it seems like this’ll be the case.

oh no dixiebros we got too cocky

Looks so much like a mii it's unreal


>German even remotely relevant
Yeah nah

howd they get over if they didnt have ferries back then?

Very relevant in Europe, and certainly the only relevant White language.

People have been saying this for weeks

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women certainly seem more likely to have low sex drives . mind boggling how they don't see wanking as normal


Lower sea levels init

cute dog

things virgins say

Do it in this

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used my brain, mustve been a glacier there at some point

Can literally count on one hand the number of times I've had to speak German outside of Germany.

I don't mind speaking English though because I have no delusions about being of the Highest of the white race, I'm of low white stock, born of brutish backwater ancestors, English is a fitting tongue for me. Would be even better if I spoke something like Afrikaans, another bastard mongrel white language.

Should be able to open my window at midnight without having to listen to x coloured minorities having a grand old time yelling and laughing, while old mate darkie revs his shitbox for 20 minutes before taking off 5 times a night.

Mum asked me to help move a load of boxes from the attic, and one of them was absolutely full of porn. Assume it belonged to my dad. Both of us just chose to ignore it

fact: no straight male on earth drives a hatchback

I HATE German posters they're the fucking worst they're literally ruining /brit/ and nobody is doing anything about it

Would you rather spend a year in Kiwi, Leaf or Oz?

there are outliers and most of them have an onlyfans. but let's ust say a man would never write a text like that

going gay for pay

going pay for gay

Everyone knew we’d get a 3 week extension because it takes the initial 3 weeks to actually see the effects of lockdown. After another 3, we’ll probably have even fewer cases. It’s already the official party line that we’re past the peak. There’s just speculation that there might be a second peak (something unconfirmed).

seething mutt

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how is this acceptable?
fucking anglos

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You're aware that boats have existed for hundreds and hundreds of years, right?

Germans are fine, it's the Americans and the Irish who are locked in an eternal competition to see which country can produce the worst posts

was helping my grandparents move into the new flat a few months after after they sold the family house, ended up finding a box of viagra in their bedroom dresser and my grandad is 82


dont mind them. clogwog is far worse


They're common on the East Coast here. No one likes them because of how small they are. Half of us can't even fit through the door.

1) Leaf
2) Kiwi
3) Oz

always forget which name is republican and what one is for unionists

lol have a guess you fucking mong

Bubble living on the line line line line line line line


King James was Scottish lol


This. No amount of money would make me move to Canada.

Nah he was Norman

what about a night with emmett's sister

that's the wrong order. kiwi is last everytime

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seems like a good compromise using one in big letters and preceding the other one with the word official

Based david-kun

not even twenty quid?

He's bent so I doubt he'd be interested

Would you rather spend a year in Yank or Pom?

always confused me why new scotland yard was in london


Only if he stands there crying in the corner.

My favourite flag to pick fights with? Why, the Swiss of course.

you really think a republican is going to use londonderry for somewhere they consider irish land?
fucking use your brain you utter spaz

You are vile

is this the lad who died?

i like fighting with americans because it's literally impossible to lose

Sounds like you need a new neighborhood. The same thing happened to me when I lived in a ghetto.

>fucked to death by spiders, sharks, snakes, jellyfish, crocs and abos? Or fucked to dead by bears, wolves or chinks? Or fucked to death by hobbits and maoris?


just drunk a mega demondrug

need cheap aluminium tripod that supports a dslr and smartphone and can be used for an overhead view

Suicide vid?

looks like he loves the sound of that!

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