Majula edition
Majula edition
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cars are either for racing or for traveling long distances, not to carry your fatass from centar to karposh
You are cucks if you post in a turk thread
What is your type??
Mine is the tree...
Yes, there was a picture somewhere of him riding one.
What should I ride my fatass on from Centar to Karpoš? A fucking bitch-ass electric scooter?
Mine isn't in there. It's the tree but with stomach hairs too.
Pic related.
I'm currently at tree and hope it stays like this because i don't plan tho shave another bodypart
fuck hair, can't dry my body with two towels after showering because of it
Servia was surprised and shocked that the Kosovo government was treating all their citizens regardless of ethnicity (especially north kosovo servs who are old as fuck and most at risk) so they sent a few doctors to treat servoids and save face for belgrade. But the servoids had to wait at the border and get permission to enter from Kosovo government ahahaha
Serbs don't treat other ethnicities?
give me ONE reason why are you obsessed with serbs
you are literally Ikibey but with posts longer than one sentence that no one reads
Until today I had no idea Kosovars needed a visa to travel to any country, but the neighbouring ones. Sad.
There are doctors in Kosovo?
Marble. I am Greek.
Kosovars can come to Turkey visa-free.
They only sent them to "treat" servoids. The retards in the north have a mini-pandemic going on while the rest of Kosovo has one of the lowest case rates per population in the world due to tough quarantine measures (tougher or comparable to mainland Albania). Imagine Bulgaria had a province or region inhabited solely by wild-life that refused to listen to the government and then started losing their lives for it due to negligence, that's basically north Kosovo
Twink. Made for Büyük Türk Ötöçü.
ranking mentally ill posters
They were probably hiding the correct number of cases to look like they’re doing a good job to the rest of the world. Just like Brazil does or did. The Brazilians were reporting COVID-19 as pneumonia.
I'm 185cm and muscular.
i can drink and eat more than you
The rug
I can HEEM every single person on this shit general.
Majula... Home...
I disagree.
>inb4 you're taking sides
I won't bother with the rest but the first place belongs to Dyokyrios (iki). Because at least one can hold a conversation with the rest.
The type(s) of mental disorder they possess should also be accounted and the placement should be done accordingly...
You're fat.
дa, и?
Bearer of the curse...
Kje te napravam sapun.
redno e da se izbanjas
Дeмбeл ceдмицa јa зaтвopијa зaceкoгaш. :(
јa пo дoмaшнo пeчeњe co пивo cyм пoвeќe нeгo кoњнcкитe плecкaвици дби
Str zkp krk 6ta ste 4kvo sm4ki 4ernovo turnovo geiseks s4k ptk ot kakvo zapatka podgorica rusiq na srbe i da be pedali4ki mangal baba vanga
Дoбap избop бaјo
I need some more exotic food. I eat the same shit every 2 days
yштe бoљe цифpи бpeo
Dobre dobre turofolk smi4ki kak dela ste 4ovek blagodarq kakvo vodka gulag rasiya potko lepi4ki mnogo pedarastov psi4ki lyuski
I'm meaning to try this one soon.
I highly recommend this...
I see there are many photos of it in different styles. The Elbasan I ate looked like pic rel. I heard it can be made either with lamb or chicken. I think the one I ate was with chicken. It was so good...