Hans... ich very cold... maybe zose mannen over zer has varm coats to spare

>Hans... ich very cold... maybe zose mannen over zer has varm coats to spare...

Attached: wintersurrender.jpg (2065x1402, 339.93K)

No one wanted that war except retarded dictators

>Hans... mir ist sehr kalt... vielleicht haben diese Männer dort drüben warme Mäntel übrig...

Why does German sounds like they are getting ready to spit all the time?

you're a bit dumb aren't you?

I'm actually very smart

if i was one of those red army soldires i would mow down the germans no mercy

they are just soldiers senpai

and? strain on food as prisoners and the would gladly starve you to death for being slav/commie "subhuman" i really dont know how any the soviet took any prisioner and did not erase germany from the map

They're wearing greatcoats you tard, they're probably warmer than the average red army troop.

Alda ich will raus, der englischsprachige Raum ist ein schamloses einsprachiges Theater der jetzt schnell zum eigenen Ende rast. Diese Krise ist nicht die Ursache dessen, sondern nur das, was es uns alle ein Mal für allemal unverborgen und überprüft hat

there is such a thing as humanity

not with Germans
all Germans are evil
t. Yas Forums and /his/

Stalingrad is my 'favourite' WW2 battle because of how horrific it was.

yes a large part of the germans lacked that for the entire war
im 100% sure you have family member who died in the war the opposite inst true for the germans the amount of destruction the germans caused in the east was dispoporsional with the punishment they recived

Half of Germany had to live under Soviet rule for 40 years, is that not enough?

>the death of tens of millions of civilians
>completly devestations of the countrys cities and villages
>living in an arguable prosperous altho autoritatian goverment that rebuilt the nation left in shambles

>im 100% sure you have family member who died in the war

But i'm ok with German people.

Wars were always and everywhere.

Many of the so called PIGS today wish they had lived under Soviet hegemony, it would have brought about a certain level of order and economic vision for the future they had never seen before
t. Ameripoor, but sincerely

>living in an arguable prosperous altho autoritatian goverment that rebuilt the nation left in shambles
ask any German here how East compares to the rest of Germany even today.

Voilà the evidence

holy based

Attached: based Yugochads.png (825x587, 537.98K)

>expulsion of century old German settlements in Eastern Europe
>loss of three German provinces
>50 years occupation and divide
>families divided for decades, people shot for trying to cross the border
>edgy faggot from a country that didn't even took part in the war talks how he wants to kill more
just die

So why the need for a wall to keep them in? Lmao

Most east germans today are very much desulusioned with life in the west so much so that there is even a term for misising the east ostalgie
And not being as good as the west doesnt mean it was a bad place to live or not prosperous, if the soviet were vengeful they would have killed millions of germans as russian user said they showed humanity

Beacuse life was better in the west

>edgy faggot from a country that didn't even took part in the war talks how he wants to kill more

This is your real punishment for many centuries :)

You lost the war and many Europeans hate the Germans because of this.

Russian user said ‘Mas existe uma coisa chamada a humanidade (empatia)’ - precisely to counter your proposal to mow down people. Meaning not everyone is a faggot, NOT that this one Russian told you the policy of 1945-1989 in occupied East Germany kek
Trabalha teu inglês
Work on your English
t. Anglosphere

27 million+ Russians perished to 7 million Germans in entire war.
Out of 130 million only 12 million in Soviet Union were fit men left and all of them were in the red army

>expulsion of old german settlements
Very lucky to nor get shot
>loss of territory
Churchil wanted to balckanize you
>families divided
Ok better divided then dead
Your germnaic chimpout devestated eastern europe killed tens of millions how you even argue amazes me

Tou a postar no movel o meu ingles é a minha ultima preocupacao se me estas a corrigir é porque percebeste

> >expulsion of old german settlements
Very lucky to nor get shot
>loss of territory
Churchil wanted to balckanize you
>families divided
Ok better divided then dead
Your germnaic chimpout devestated eastern europe killed tens of millions how you even argue amazes me

Killing communists and low iq men decimating all the men was a boon to Eastern Europe which led to the retardation of the Soviet regime and it's collapse

well I was born in 1999, but if you wanna hate me anyway go ahead
modern Germany is prospering, Portugal and Russia are shitholes

you will have to live out your revenge fantasies of killing civilians somewhere else. one day you'll grow up.

Wrong, the Americans and the British wanted that war. And Shitler gave it them like the retarded fuck he was

Well, many Red Army soldiers did, in vengeance for the cruelty that Germans showed earlier in the war. I can't with a clear conscience say that they were completely wrong, but I can't with a clear conscience say they were right, either.
The truth is; all wars end in one or two ways: either the enemy is crushed - enslaved or exterminated (as was universal in tribal warfare and most common ancient wars), or some settlement is made with him (as is nearly universal today, among conventional forces). The German side was aiming for the former. The Soviets could not in any way pick the former; their ideology did not allow for it. Provisions could be made for many things, such as the transportation (ethnic cleansing) of Chechens eastward, on account of state security, the deeds in Ukraine on the same account and so on, but nationality-based enslavement or extermination could not have a place within their legitimation. Besides, they could not really do it considering the existence of the Western Allies. So that means that settlement would have to be made with Germans. Still, the aim of the Germans was the opposite, and it would feel wrong to reciprocate with any other treatment. So the Soviets were operating within this internal clash. They could not forego committing vengeance on Germans, yet they would have to live with them after the war nonetheless.
So, what were they really supposed to do? None and both, which is meaningless.
That is not really any sort of punishment.

Russians are retards with no real military intelligence so they choose to just send young men to die since they have enough people not to see it as a huge loss. The soviets never even cared about the number of deaths.

Well living under fascist dictatorship for 41 years makes socialism look like a dream , we were literaly the poorest country in europe for many years if you think east germans fled you should see portuguese imigration numbers in the 60 to the 80s

>Russians are retards with no real military intelligence so they choose to just send young men to die since they have enough people not to see it as a huge loss. The soviets never even cared about the number of deaths.

Their casualties had a significant impact on their country and its future being significantly and permanently weaker with to 162 million people in 1937, this leaves 40,500,000 fit men, of these 40 million men 27 million+ perished in ww2, leaving 13 million from the 40 million and all 13 million were in the red army deployed in europe, with one defeat of this army the Soviet Union is toast.

Attached: Heathen-beheading.jpg (1000x1206, 1.28M)

You were the poorest prior to neocon dictatorship still richer in a free economy than in the communist feudal systems.

this but unironically