Correlation does NOT equal causation!

>correlation does NOT equal causation!
>that's a logical fallacy!
>do you have any facts to support that?

Attached: 1563968675918.png (280x305, 28.33K)

>Eat shit and die

Attached: 6378-500x500.jpg (500x500, 25.56K)


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>The burden of proof is on YOU

Attached: 1563971684157.png (680x626, 152.6K)

>err, user, your references aren't in alphabetical order

Attached: 1559033915090.png (728x899, 197.04K)

>my sources? dude just trust me

Attached: chad.jpg (1080x1266, 84.57K)

Attached: big dick writing.jpg (654x960, 78.71K)



>Better known for other work
I mean it's true

that Kaczynski thing is a reference to his work sending mail bombs, it's tongue-in-cheek

>well if you consider the rate per capita...

Attached: 1580519730614.jpg (600x800, 199.42K)

>To anyone reading this, this is a spam thread meant to draw your attention away from other threads on this board. Do not reply, and if you do, type "sage" into the "options" field before you post
>Your friendly neighborhood white man

Attached: amerisoy.png (371x361, 22.63K)

>>correlation does NOT equal causation!
that's actually true tho

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>It's about being a decent human for heck's sake

Attached: 1580010212481.png (640x591, 20.02K)

>bro idgaf about what you think like seriously shut up

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shut up nerd lol

>This was once revealed to me in a dream.

Attached: 364634.jpg (417x472, 11.76K)


Well explained.

fuck yeah, asking for evidence is for cucks

>Tongue-in-cheek dry wit humor
Ergo, based

>this statement has been criticized, I stand by it
Literal definition of being a Chad

>that doesn't make any sense

Attached: soy113.png (484x505, 96.11K)

>peer reviewed

Attached: 1586778150990.jpg (96x125, 1.73K)

>Don't call me Zhang! If there are people, who has the same opinion on some subject like at least one Chinese person, it doesn't mean that they are Chinese or paid by CCP!
Don't tell the Chinese to eat bat soup! If there is at least one Chinese, who has eaten bat soup at least once in his life, it doesn't mean that every Chinese eats bat soup regularly!
It's a labeling and blatant racism towards entire Chinese population!

Attached: soy.jpg (199x253, 8.5K)

KEK gonna start using this one

> your opinion is based on false premises

Attached: 1577328740897.png (450x450, 218.83K)
