
ish general

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Other urls found in this thread:



what a fucking spastic this janny is


Any loosening of restrictions you hear of is a meme

They saying it will be months before people can meet and the ban on contact is lifted, minimum.

They're letting small stores open while talking publicly that pubs, restaurants, etc won't reopen until "everyone is immune" aka 2021.

Next up is schools and childcare, at which point infections skyrocket because kids are retarded and massively transfer germs, at which point they restrict again and go back and forth for months and months never even getting close to letting people actually meet up much less go to a restaurant or a pub.

Even having a small get together will be banned until Autumn at the very earliest.

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I really hope to be dead in May.

still howling

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yeah screw that jerkwad
he can blow it out his ass
am i right, cody?

here you go lad

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no shit. anyone projecting when is forgetting that they have to be very conservative. you cannot lockdown a city twice. it's easier to keep it locked down than force everyone back in.

cry more you girl. imagine being this much of a cuck to the government

thinking of starting a gofundme for the NHS as a thank you for curing my acne

hahahah absolutely mad

We're in here

Right, in this thread, can everyone just follow the fucking rules and stop being mongs who spam new threads. You just ruin /brit/ by doing it as we spend 20 minutes trying to make a new thread for no reason. When we get to page 8, make a new. Otherwise, just post normally.

Any loosening of restrictions you hear of is a meme

They saying it will be years before people can meet and the ban on contact is lifted, minimum.

They're letting small stores open while talking publicly that pubs, restaurants, etc won't reopen until "everyone is immune" aka 2031.

Next up is schools and childcare, at which point infections skyrocket because kids are retarded and massively transfer germs, at which point they restrict again and go back and forth for years and years never even getting close to letting people actually meet up much less go to a restaurant or a pub.

Even having a small get together will be banned until 2025 at the very earliest.


Pink Floyd,
Adam Ant,
Al Stewart,
Rhapsody (of Fire)
Mostly Autumn,
Sophie B Hawkins,
Manfred Mann's Earth Band,
Porcupine Tree,
Mike Oldfield.

all cringe

janny spent the past 30 mins refreshing the homepage didnt realise we was on page 8


There will be no pubs, restaurants foreign holidays, sports or gigs until there's a vaccine. Simple as.


I broke the quarantine and now I’m coughing and sniffling and I’m afraid I have it

in ecology, there's a rule against introducing non-native species into other countries because they might out-breed everything else and become a pest
makes you think doesn't it

for me it's spooky victorian occultism

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dogshit the lot of them

you're the one crying though normie lmao

me and the lads rolling up into the club like



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Only if you're a fucktard.

There won't ever be a vaccine.

t. biologist

Getting real tired of hearing the doomfags spouting baseless shit and not understanding how basic economics works.

brown people aren't another species though

ynersh rena arua

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The news deano didn't want to here

You're pathetic

Then there won't ever be pubs, restaurants, foreign holidays, sports or gigs. Simple as.

who is the star player in the belarusian league?

i do what i want when i want. enjoy being a slave you cucked faggot


>We've done it, we've saved /brit/!

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There isn't going to be a vaccine, fuck's sake people need to stop making everything contingent on 'muh vaccine'

Fuck that. It might just be easier to kill yourself at this rate.

post more spooky occultism

did i say anything about brown people or people in general?

same mate, same
has to be bait some of the shit ive seen spouted here

nikolai nguvoff

Alexander Hleb


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>normalfags calling anyone a slave
oh my days

Then there isn't going to be any pubs etc.

what happened to joe stokes and andrew in the end yesterday?
any other simps get found?

boys meet me at the pub

get a grip you clapped virgin

pubs, clubs, festivals, public gatherings are going to be retroactively wiped from the historical record in an attempt to stop the spread of coronavirus at its source

reddit space


reddit space

my fucking arse

reddit space

watch this space lads


Nah, Heinsberg where it broke out here has a 15% immunity rate.

They have to do a slow infection so the hospitals don't get overcrowded

But this will be done via children (School, Childcare)

no foreign holidays
no package holidays more like

*sits down*
*is humble*

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i'm just as much of a nazi as the next 4channel user but this guy is fucking cringe

yes there will

t. actual serologist

Except there will be because we don't close those things every winter, do we

how did simp come back as a term people used seemingly overnight
nobody's said it since 1992

Hundred handers are based desu

hard to believe he used to be this cute

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You must like that Daniel Radcliffe movie woman in black then

returneth to reddit you soppy londoner

Nothing really happened, some other accounts were posted but they're user

Borders will be closed and afterwards it will be illegal across all first world countries to travel except for work

otherwise everyone will just go to the countries which aren't being nazi cunts

the same reason they're saying pog
zoomoids have 90s nostalgia

baiting mong

pubs, clubs, festivals, public gatherings are going to be retroactively wiped from the historical record in an attempt to stop the spread of coronavirus at its source
reddit space
reddit space
reddit space
reddit space
reddit space
reddit space
my fucking arse
reddit space
reddit space
reddit space
watch this space lads

I hope all of you who are here die of coronavirus, sons of bitches.

give it a rest you freak

woah looks like


will be

the death of us all!

because simps too appeared seemingly overnight

its been popular for the last 3 months mate

genuinely believe varg is autistic

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actually have a cold right now


spain be kidding me haha

Just did a sneeze lads. Think I might have the Rona from the bus trip earlier.

sounds like we sharia now

No foreign travel for leisure purposes at all.

when i see all the cringe shit zoomers have been doing i now understand why old people stopped caring about keeping up with trends

2 weeks ago?

time makes fools of us all

Lads, say if I want to convert some old speakers or a guitar amp into bluetooth

Do I literally just buy a bluetooth receiver, and plug it in through a 3.5mm headphone jack?

refuse to use it, it's just the flavour of the month meme word that will be so overused in a few weeks that it will never be mentioned again

If the govt thinks it can stop me taking holidays to have unprotected sex with third worlders it is sorely mistaken.

Shut up Pablo & go back to your own general.

Hell is Hitler having to listen to grand strategy nerds all day, forever.

no foreign travel
for leisure purposes
at all

We don't lockdown evey winter either, at least we haven't until now.

No vaccine = No pubs. Simple as.

let me duckduckgo that for you

no at some point they'll simply accept it as a new virus to go with cold and flu and old brown people with preexisting conditions and a massive vitamin D deficiency will have to die, simple as

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cant see it
once we are off lockdown we will be able to fly to anywhere also off lockdown

is bing broken?

overpriced, smelly, filled with old cunts
no one goes clubbing anymore
havent been good since the 90s. people dont even enjoy them, they just record it on their phones to show they went there

hitler did nothing wrong, the (((generals))) fucked him over (same cucks that lost WWI)

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just took the most liquid shit i ever took in my entire life and despite it's liquid state it hurt coming out as though someone was stabbing me in the bowels from within

never drinking coffee again

hitler certainly could have been autistic, if mildly

Is startpage.com not functional?

good thing hitler is in heaven

Not until there's a vaccine, no.

what about all the cringe shit you do

dont care virgin

new pics today

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there is no reason why things have to be shut down like this
it's already proven that 97% of confirmed cases are mild, and that exponentially more people have gotten the virus and either recovered with no issues or didn't even display symptoms
the average age of death is in the high 70's, and even at those ages it isn't a sure thing unless there are more health complications

millions upon millions of people and businesses are being ruined to benefit a very tiny minority of people who only have several years left at best

the media sewed fear and panic as it always does and politicians were all to eager to seize power and expand the role of government even more

the CCP and the WHO aren't the only ones that need to be punished over this

sorry i'm white and not 90 years old basically immune

Blah blah coronavirus

blah blah doom

blah blah reddit space

blah blah simple as


luxembourg be kidding me haha
also didn't ask

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There will be no pubs, restaurants, gigs, holiday travel or stadium sports until there is a vaccine. Simple as.


we have enough brown smelly manlets here. time to leave.

probably just a bad coffee, used to happen to me but doesnt anymore

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EpicMealtime really went downhill

Wonder how many suicides will come from the Rona quarantine lads?

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antibody testing is showing how widespread this is and how incredibly low the case fatality rate is (below 0.005% for people who aren't old or have preexisting conditions)

There will be no pubs, restaurants, gigs, holiday travel or stadium sports until there is a vaccine. Simple as.

After reading about his younger years it's plain as day the lad had somthing wrong with him

not enough

t. billy no mates

it's johnny no mates you idiot

There's no functional antibody test yet.

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no idea what that means

all i ask of the crazies who go on shooting sprees is to target the right people
find a way to get into the media offices, try to get to a political rally or something

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Are those the masks China donated?

pubs open by june, simple as

Sitting in the 2020 Q1 conference call but just looking at the chan raising my eyebrows every now and then

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most countries will soon move to a sweden-style low simmer

>"I'm the only sane person here"

ah yes we wont be able to fly to spain when both countries have ended their lockdowns
if you think that you are thick

They must be really bummed that the schools are closed.

I'm putting together a team...

There have been two studies at least in Germany which looked at the presence of antibodies in random people in two cities.
Where did this meme about "there is no antibody test" come from?

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No you

How and why is there a flour shortage in Britain?
Who the fuck decides to be a fucking baker during pandemic?

/brit/ you're not going to the pub until the year 2300 it's simple as!

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Got married lads

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What's that gonna achieve?

>muh lemons

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one of the many archetypes of an conservative

why would i go to a shithole like spain when cornwall exists?

Mr jeff bezos, billionaire over here

is that a girl (male)?

Can't fault the guy. Punching well above his not inconsiderable weight

imagine stealing photos from someones facebook and posting them on Yas Forums. pathetic.
