Does this happen in your cunt?
Does this happen in your cunt?
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no, we respect women
Yes. But only behind closed doors
not enough
t. Roastie
Why did he punch her? He needs to control his anger.
the way her head cracked on that concrete hahahahah he could have killed her hahaha
She was being mean to him
Totally justified imo
It was clearly self defense, she assaulted him with a used match.
talk shit get hit
Violence like this isn't justified frens
>Does this happen in your cunt?
She texted him back the next day.
He didn't even touch her
>Chad domestication-slap
>Virgin rage-punch out
Women think they’re hot shit but they’re just cold diarrhea
lmao at that wh*Te four eyes chinlet. why are they all a walking stereotype?
IIRC she turned him down that’s it
women aren't people
At least the cigarette is still safe and intact, she'll have a smoke after waking up
yes, but niggers do.
I bet he fucked that pussy afterwards, women love concussions
I heard in slav countries this is how you find a wife. They are technically legally married now.
Any slavbros can confirm?
Yeah yeah niggers get fucked white knight piece of shit
Is bestgore really just "le place when you can find le edgy stuff xDDD" even when said stuff is not actually gory?
Why is society so against beating women?
no, niggers are animals and are used to not think and use violence in whatever situation even when it's not justified, you must know that feeling very well.
The best place in documentingreality, but you have to donate before acessing the forum.
Well, this is pretty based. Club bitches always the worst.
She had it coming
why not, beating a women turns you on ?
can confirm
russians say:
"man beats woman because he loved her"
I’m actually cooming
good for you then kiddo
Why u triggered tho
Women ain’t shit
R u a roastie?
>good for you kiddo
because i'm a grown up man, and you're a kiddo, things matter for le, they don't for you.
Russians physically abuse their women, they are Islam tier. But its based and redpilled am i right
Then you’re a cuck
End of story