I can literally hear the neighbours having sex RIGHT NOW in their spa outside

I can literally hear the neighbours having sex RIGHT NOW in their spa outside

what do I do

the girl has hot moans desu they sound like foreigners

this is so fucked desu i can hear it really clearly im sure other neighbors can too the girl is moaning so loudly

Attached: c4a.jpg (238x192, 8.59K)

Other urls found in this thread:

researchonline.ljmu.ac.uk/id/eprint/3210/3/Pradhan et al..pdf

Tell them to keep it down.

Ask if you can join them

Take a picture and post it.

call the police on them
oh wait you live in a christcucked country lol

i just heard the girl say

'it wasnt exactly quiet'

i can hear them still they are talking now

i recorded it on my phone lol ill post vocaroo soon

the girl is aussie the guy is some european or some shit

they sound drunk desu especially the girl

also ive been stuck at home for like 2 months basically so this is literally the most exciting thing to happen in a while

turn on your speakers to max volume and blast Ska, or at least that's what I used to do when I lived in a dorm


ask for the used condom

One hypothesis behind why women are so audible during sex is because doing so advertises their fertility to other men.
You know what to do.



To drink

Post it

hypotheses are meant to be tested

Hypotheses aren't meant to be that retarded either.

what do you mean?

wish I was high on pot-enuse haha

it's not retarded if you understand evolutionary biology
researchonline.ljmu.ac.uk/id/eprint/3210/3/Pradhan et al..pdf

When I lived in Denmark, I used to get woken up everyday at 5:30
by a couple above me, and then at 6:30 by different couple in the room next to me.
It quickly became annoying and I had to move out within 2 months.
The worst bit was walking next to them everyday when I left for work and seeing their stupid smug grins



didnt realise it would pick up my typing so loudly lol. i had to cut out some sections. but the phone was right next to the open window, i was on the other side of the room. boosted the volume too

for once this post is relevant to my thread


see above post giuseppe

Send them max volume JAV


Like the sound of you keyboard better than her 2bh.

logitech g213 lad

nice kb

or women just do it because men like it?

That's definitely part of the reason, but we can learn more if we ask why men like it.
One major theme in the evolutionary sciences is the distinction between proximate and ultimate causes.
We like big titties or big butts because proximately, they look nice and make peepee go hard. An ultimate explanation would involve something like the woman having the right amount of body fat or genetic makeup to successfully continue our lineage.
I'm sure you can find a more precise answer if you go searching on Google Scholars but I'd imagine sex noises sounding nice to us because it's a clear signal that a woman is ready or open for fugging.
Now, if you combine that with the reproductive strategy of women, which is to choose the best possible mate since their reproductive capabilities are much more limited than men (one egg every month vs. millions of sperm every day), it makes sense for women to want sperm competition.
If we wanna find out for sure if this is the case, some rich coomer would need to fund some crazy experiments to isolate this hypothesis, which I suspect is gonna happen any time soon. And this is why this is still a hypothesis, albeit a seemingly sensible one.

*isn't gonna happen any time soon