Is there anything a chink wouldn't eat?
Is there anything a chink wouldn't eat?
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Yeah right, like Germans don't eat rats, lizards, snakes, frogs and bats too.
something cold
western lies
jellyfish salad is cold
I would say human, but imagine some user will post evidence to the contrary.
Many chinks find cheese disgusting because it's rottten milk.
probably cockroaches aside from extreme cases
So that's why they eat soy products like tofu, right?
nah cheese tea is a big thing in china
Maybe fermented isn't the same as rotten.
Like no. We don't
not really aside from some criminals
>Methods of slaughter included beheading, beating, live burial, stoning, drowning, boiling, disemboweling, and more. In certain areas including Wuxuan County and Wuming District, massive human cannibalism occurred even though no famine existed; according to public records available, at least 137 people—perhaps hundreds more—were eaten by others and at least thousands of people participated in the cannibalism.
Meanwhile the rest of the world was like peace 'n love, peace 'n love
Ive seen fried cockroaches in Thai street markets, I guarantee Chinese eat them too
most won't eat those shit daily, those are just tourist shock traps
What's a shock trap? No tourist wants to eat that. But if they're there that means that somebody eats them.
What the fuck did I just read ? What's wrong with these people ?
Milk noodle soup
What's wrong with eating bugs, fatty?
Racist western propaganda.
meanwhile retared boomer student in france was like long live mao kiaa my hero
>In one case, according to official records, a person was bound to dynamites on the back and was blown up into pieces by other people—just for fun.
>for fun
When I first heard there were a kind of people who eat dirt for health, I suppose it was not the Chinese thing
I hope you and your family die from Corona.
>massive human cannibalism occurred even though no famine existed
>the cannibalism was sponsored by local offices of Communist Party and militia
Imagine dying from eating a piece of lactose...
thats what city blockades do
>We must support Vietnam against the evils of capitalism!