Do you want find love in finland?

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It finally happened bros

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You should feel her gravitational field already.

>in before cigarette girl gets posted

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Ok I surrender, femcels can exist

is this why nordoids believe in trolls and elfs and shit

lucky boy

Post more pics

She probably gets 50 messages a day

ah yes cigarette girl lydia

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Guess it's my own fault for moving my location to SEA though. Well she really looks like she would pass though

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based SEAtrannies not identifying as female

haha based

Secure the poon and once the lockdown is lifted you’ll get yourself some adventures

Don't be insane. She looks like a dude.

lucky fins, you have a lot of qts there. post more of viivi

Based af

Give me some retarded lines to send these thirsty broads

I’m bored out of my mind and can’t be arsed to actually carry convo’s

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Dude. Are you a fucking 9/10 ?

I just wanna fuck this cute Filipina instead

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nah im just a lanky pale boi.. but i got really nice pics and dress differently than the average fingoloid male

Do a SEA fuck tour and make vlogs for us

Are you a /fa/ggot ? Or you legit have a fashion 6th sense

Unironically planning to do this. I just sent a dick pick to a load of Philippina girls on snap/Instagram. They were fucking drooling holy shit. The BWC meme is fucking real. So easy to get matches there too, I don't get nearly as many here at home.

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>Finland thread

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is that tiny boner?

i used to be a /fa/ggot but those guys dress too lame for me

try tantan in china

I hope so
Thank brother

post your pics without face

Based my dude

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i used it when i could use a vpn to cheat the location, my fucking ios dont allow it anymore
anyway its full of 8/10 girls for bwc, match rate of a chad in europe, but they expcet you to speak chinese

How do you get people to take pics of you? You just went
>ok I will stand on this rock and you will take a picture

Yea that's why I picked Flipland as my location, since English is a national language there. But I'll check it out though

Literally just ask your bros to take some pictures for tinder, they'll happily help

straight out of effay