Das rite

das rite

Attached: download.png (6300x3355, 1.72M)


Attached: wgjt5.jpg (908x563, 302.18K)

the whitest

Attached: ruski.jpg (1000x1500, 110.12K)

Bad map. This is the official map of the White race's native lands.

Attached: 1200px-Anglo-Frisian_distribution_map.svg.png (1200x1168, 230.01K)

picrel is average roosian pigdog

Attached: russian.jpg (1200x800, 336.19K)

looks white to me


Attached: dsc09074.jpg (1200x800, 281.98K)

looks finnish

looks swedish

Attached: 1587381065291.png (6300x3355, 1.35M)

based department

Why do you like to pretend their aren't white Russians? There clearly are.

Eurasianist autism in full force

>Afghanistan Tajikistan

Wow, are we nordic now?

I'm not even saying all Russians are white but there are clearly white Russians.

Have more in common with him than the average britbong or amerimutt

Pick one

Attached: 340278d80174ebc53a39d1e21d2d1b0d.jpg (300x300, 18.74K)

Russians are MONGOL BVLLS

Attached: 2168604_original.jpg (508x600, 58.66K)

Just whites with high(er), way less than 50% mongoloid admixture, stop this autism

>t. wh*Teoid

O right Northern Chinese, Koreans, and Japanese are the same as Malay, Laotian, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Filipino, sure sure sure.

Attached: 1561904002621.jpg (329x359, 8.87K)

ay yo hol up nigga
we iznt white niggas we is uralic niggas, we wuz steppe peoples n sheeit
nuna that indo-ayrean nigga in us



This has to be a joke, right?

Attached: EA4.jpg (1800x1350, 234.43K)

those are bolivians
a minority that only live in the north and in particular buenos aires

Average Colombian is a Harnizo trirracial. We have too much afro blood and higher than the mestizo average European to fall in the mestizo category

Looks like the average bong

Whites are ugly

Not after they lost the civil war

They are you coping chink

Nothing to do with races, but here's a map that shows the historical flow/spread of civilizations. Thoughts?

Attached: google-maps-screenshot (1).png (1280x720, 1.05M)

Missed a spot, 8/10


Sorry it isn't a completely 100% geographically accurate map just kept to general outlines.