>Why yes,I'm a portuguese white nationalist. How could you tell?
Why yes,I'm a portuguese white nationalist. How could you tell?
hello? based department
You have both a Portuguese flag and a Celtic cross flag, a common symbol used among White nationalists.
>How could you tell
Your beautiful Nordic Aryan features, would have been a model in the 3rd Reich
the faggot always posting haplogroups looks like THAT?
Probably a Brazilian
>100% Identitarian
Nope it's just a typical moortugues
Post your face
Why would a person of color support white nationalism?
He looks like he fucks blonde Germanic Aryan girls and pulls their braids as they suck his cock. 100% Portugal bvll.
its pretty common in america
Indian men are so short lol
>let me tell you about your country
Most mutts are black supremacists in America.
Not your ideal boyfriend I said you.
Are portuguese redguards?
that is me you projecting homo
wanna date?
are you a wh*te woman for me to impregnate with my BIG BARBOSA COCK?
absolutely based and BLACKED pilled
Based meu irmao.
>this one picture represents the entire US
Checks out.
>brittany venti went to a Yas Forums meetup
surely not
Meu irmão...
Saudacoes lusitanas!
She was with her ex in that pic. I heard he got cucked and broke up afterward