Why do they have the cutest boys?

Why do they have the cutest boys?

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no test


post them

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it's a mistery

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no bait thread pls

South korean boys are cute too.

Not bait, I speak only the truth.

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we are based chad. korea have fighted against colonial.
launch fire!

give me 500$ and i'll let you fuck me

I want for free


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asians are desperate for the white cock, no matter the gender

Just like a jannie, you'll do it for free.

well i'm desperate to give it to them

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Damn, Japanese boys look like THIS!?!?!?

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More of him

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With baseball cap

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Him laughing.
His name is Ruka Nishinoiri, and he's one of the cutest Japanese boys ever. You can watch him on Terrace House, on Netflix. You're welcome.

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God I want to have HOT GAY SEX with an Asian boy.

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So damn cute!!

Yes they are!

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>living in a MED country
>be gay
God i am so angry right now, the pain is immeasurable

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Med Bois....

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what do you mean?

oh I remember him

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Bit gay of you guys

not gay here have a female

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I just want to say that they are weak and incompetent gay

Japan has Jomon
Korean copy face of japan by plastic surgery

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