Attached: germany_china_bill.png (1280x720, 159.84K)

how do you say "based" in german?



happy birthday user!


And we'll be sending our bill to Germany shortly.

holy fucking BASED Germoney!

ok this is based

no problem.
we will tack it unto the chinese one.

Eternal pole

hallo, Basiert Abteilung?



germany uber man


holy fucking based, we getting the boys back together

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im buliding up a team

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>130 bn USD
Hey that's over 1/6 of what Germany owes us!
Great news, the debt will be paid back sooner.

>O-of course we won't get a single euro cent out of this, b-but our autistic outburst will surely trigger the most powerful county on Earth, haha!

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Based, fuck the Chinese(especially the girls)

>well well well, is that a TYPO in your post?

Attached: you.png (680x574, 126.55K)

>I've spotted a typo

Attached: 29e.jpg (848x800, 80.43K)


i'm in

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I have 0 faith in EU countries when it comes to punishing China. I don't even have faith in the US because of the Democrats and the mega corporations like Apple. Only SE Asia countries understand that the CCP needs to be purged.

Why? Chinese people are also victims of the virus
Disgusting Krauts


>germany takes china to an international tribunal
>tribunal finds in germany's favour
>china forced to pay money to germany
>germany uses it to house immigrants
Don't know what you're all so giddy about.

That's the coolest thing Germany has done in a long time

>germany uses it to house immigrants

we dont. that would misallocation of funds.
it would have to come out of a different pool of money. besides nobody gives a shit anymore about refugees they have dissappeared from the news completly.

Because this is our one chance to bring China to its knees and finally remove this fucking scourge of a country from existence.

go back to chinkland, zhang.

We will use the money to pay back Poland

>nobody gives a shit anymore about refugees they have dissappeared from the news completly
just as keikaku

Yeah. Turns out that when america stops invading the middle east, we stop getting refugees.

Unbelievably based


>taking in refugees due to another countries actions
Virtually cuckoldry

>be Germany
>never paid most of the war debts
>be the country objectively less affected by Corona in Europe
>refuse to help Meds countries
>still send the bill to the Chinese demanding reparations
Look, we had our differences, but this is HOLY FUCKING BASED

Would be more based if Germany, UK, France and US would pay reparations for starting wars, installing dictators, colonizing nations and funding terrorist.

I legit hope thats true. This is what the 3rd major virus thats come from that country in the last 20 years or so. The one thing that im already annoyed about with this Covid thing is after it all clears up people would just go back to shoving money down their throats. They need to face repercussions for what they did and it should be a number in the trillions.

>refuse to help Meds countries

we sent you help already and flew your patients here to be treated.

>never paid most of the war debts

we paid of your ww1 debts.
ww2 debts were forgiven or paid via land claims as confirmed in contracts (poland).

germany does none of that.


They don't deserve sympathy

Oh, so only war crimes then. Better pay up.

>most powerful country

>flew your patients here
How many? Six? Fucking Albania was more helpful that you kek
But all is forgiven

we paid our ww1 debts and ww2 claims are sorted out. western allies relinquished debt claims and poles and russians took land instead. decisions that were confirmed after poland was an independant country.

>It's CHINAS fault we couldn't contain it the way countries like Vietnam, Australia, Singapore did !!
Take responsibility for your own actions.

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uhm sweety, you forgot about the 870billion debt we owe to Poland

fuck off pole.
they took prussian land instead as confirmed via treaties. I wrote that already.