Have you ever been in a fight, Yas Forums?

Have you ever been in a fight, Yas Forums?

I've never been in a "real" fight, but I've 1-on-1's as a kid with family friends where we smacked each other a few times or threw hands in elementary school for a few moments until the adults broke it up.

Attached: white_boy_sleeping_happy.webm (960x540, 3M)

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i practice boxing so yes but not street fights....yet

when i was like 12 i gave a bick kick to another kid. He flied for 3 meters lmao

Imagine being a Zhang, having all your female relatives getting their tight yellow pussies stretched out by big anglo-canadian cocks only to furiously post webms on int with your fellow inceloid diaspora buddies to get back at the white man haha.

Are you the daily YUH poster?

Yeah, I'd reckon most American men have been in fights. Every school I've heard about has had organized fight clubs in the locker rooms at school.

Like 10 brownies ganged up on me in HS and whooped my ass for throwing a snowball on one of their retarded brothers

i dont know what that is

Are you not allowed to carry knives at school?

the asian guy in the webm isnt even a chink
he was speaking Russian, screaming Davai. Some kind of central asian

Its over for white boys

t.Han Bull

schools here dont either you hill billy

he looks like he is my compatriot :)

Chinkoids like to associate themselves with Central Asian bulls for some reason but that frat dude was retarded for picking on a guy with obvious boxing experience.

Do you box?

We were allowed to carry knives. Weren't allowed to carry guns, but we could keep them in vehicles as long as they're properly stored. (Yes, I am a hillbilly, how could you tell?)

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that reminds me of that movie of Tarantino

Why did you throw a snowball at them?

OK, looks like it's the other Filip

ive been boxing for almost 5 years when i was 10 and i think i might have several brain injuries because of it

Was he a baby?



Nice, I am a grappler myself (judo since 6 and now BJJ/Wrestling) but I also want to do more kickboxing. I tried it a couple times before Corona but like you mentioned, I'm afraid to become a brainlet.

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probabily 9-10 yo

How many hans speaks russian?

The small guy is a dick

I got bullied a lot when I was 10, dad signed me up for boxing lessons which I did until I was about 14, then went on to do some judo and kickboxing until I was about 18.
After long enough it wasn't really fighting, more a case of knocking people out and flogging them into the dirt. In hindsight, it did a lot for my confidence and meant not losing or being hassled, but it could have easily been different if someone died or got seriously fucked up

Imagine getting brain damage just so you can throw harder punches

Wrestling is much easier and useful. Slamming a mf into concrete he's dead 100%


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>Why yes I am becoming a retard so I can throw a better punch, how did you know?

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>2 guys gang up on him
>wtf why did he defend himself

The second guy that came in was trying to stop the fight, but he kept chimping

Yes. With my older brother and with my dad.

I have won my brother. But I have never won my dad. He practice boxing and Judo when he was young. I was no match for him.

I dunno. The lil manlet was backing off. You usually try to separate the aggressor. Like those webms where the guy throws the punch gets bodied by everyone watching.

>be manlet with inferiority complex
>train marital arts
>provoke clueless frat boys so you can knock them out
People like him give martial artists a bad rep

i wish i didnt do boxing
i have terrible memory, i struggle learning english and my head hurts when i shake it

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i have seen way so many knock out vids from someone dropping their guard, he didn't do anything wrong.


lol, good to see my fellow Asian Mongol brother beating up some pinkskins ass. The asian guy is clearly from CIS region, he said "Che cyka, davai" - "What, bitch, c'mon"

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