Why Westerners always interested in Japan? Go to China or some other "exotic" country you creepos

Why Westerners always interested in Japan? Go to China or some other "exotic" country you creepos

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I have no idea why they do it. For whatever it's worth to you I hate the Asian world and anyone who likes anything about it. You're welcome.

japan is the only good east asian country

You can also go to China Zhang.

how about you first davido-kun

I have a gf here. I'm not here for weeb shit

Because it is a civilised non-western country. There aren't many of those.

Korea is way better than Japan.

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They would be interested of anime than ordinary Japanese culture. I think.
I don't know why we're looks modest for them.
I can only think of Japanese are like pesmetic suicide worker. Same as I.

>I have a gf here. I'm not here for weeb shit

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t. Exactly the type of weirdo he is complaining about

>I have a gf here. I'm not here for weeb shit
sure you arent

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>I have a gf here. I'm not here for weeb shit

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I actually lost my virginity to a staff from one of my schools I taught at

t.david kun

stop making those bait thread

holy shit now that is a real “white ghost”

They make the cartoons I like.

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>Why Westerners always interested in Japan? Go to China or some other "exotic" country you creepos
Says an American in Japan. Get some self awareness, yank.

Die for Israel already, grunt.

hey peadophile english teacher
stop making thread with japan flag.

thank you.

>NZ flag
kek, quality post.

Hey American, get the fuck out of Japan.

Your fault for exporting your culture better than China

based colonizer

Theres no actual jap posters

Because they're desperately fleeing the BBC DOMINATION of the west. Be afraid cumskins and insects, soon there will be nowhere to escape as BBCmania takes over the whole world.

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China is one of the 3 countries I hate the most in the world with Germany and Brazil.

Why Brazil?

what do japanese women thinks of big mediterranean boys with black hair, thick beard and strong body hair genetics?

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Japan is a good country but further existence of Japanese people is rather unnecessary. They are done not being able to grow for 30 fuckin' years. Now the time to pay has come, Japs. Your country will be crippling miserably in due time.

This. I'm moving to India. This is going to be the Indian Century.

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