Why is this mentality so prevalent in the Balkans?

Why is this mentality so prevalent in the Balkans?

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Enlighten me.

like, repulsive as unloyal.

Successor States.
America waltzes in: everyone gets to have their own country. Uh, we're scared of balkanising so some people will have to be minorities in these arbitrarily drawn borders. Oh, fuck, these unintelligent slavic retards are killing eachother - what do?! I have the answer, bomb one party and support the other, doesn't matter which.

Good job guys, we saved the Balkan.

>bomb one party and support the other, doesn't matter which.
Yeah it's not like one party was sending volunteers from a foreign state to help genocide the other party. Mostly worked in the end anyway. Kosovo will always be America, etc., etc.

It is human nature to hate the neighboring tribe
The fact that westerners don't hate their neighbors is the anomaly, balkans are the normal ones

Western idiots stopped natural processes that ended in 19th century in rest of Europe. Like, Germany and Italy and such done same or similar things until they united into one nation state. But Balkans were cucked by turks and then WW1 and then WW2 and communism.

Imagine not being proud of your ethnicity and willing to defend your people and your nation to the death.

Western Europe see eachother as small tribes belonging to one large tribe.

serbshit diaspora

t. Eats human beings

I can't talk for everyone. As far as Albania goes, I can tell you the hate is some sort of research of national identity. Sometimes you create your identity based on religion, language, common ancestors and so on. The fact is Albania is religiously divided, has two main versions of the language, and is very mixed with other Balkan countries. So given that we don't know who we really are we started looking for who we really aren't, the antithesis.

I hate all my neighbors

t. Гpгyp

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I guess you are respectively an American teacher/soldier and a Boer? Why would anyone not related to Europe care about us?

>The fact that westerners don't hate their neighbors is the anomaly,
>what is Brexit

>Western Europe see eachother as small tribes belonging to one large tribe.
Lol sorry to burst your bubble, but an Austrian will never see a Portuguese nation as "the same tribe". Nor will an Icelander ever say Belgians are their "brothers". That is simply not true, especially today where northrons dislike southrons and vice-versa


>inb4 Albanian diaspora melodramatic posting

>t. Absolutely not a butthurt Serb expat

No, you're not Albanian
No, you can't speak Albanian
No, you were not born in Albania and have never been to Albania
No, you can't speak on Albanians behalf

Yes, you were born in Italy
Yes, you have an Italian name
Yes, you can only speak the Italian language
Yes, you are an Italian

I was born in Albania and lived there for 5 years, retard

Shut the fuck up tosk retard

Burger BTFO

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>Albanian: let me tell you about the country im from
>No, you're not Albanian
>No, you can't speak Albanian
>No, you were not born in Albania and have never been to Albania
>No, you can't speak on Albanians behalf

which part of albania are you from?

Mother: Shkoder, Father: Tirana
I was raised in both cities

how is it living in Italy? Do you get racism as albanian?

Low IQ. The blacks do it here too. You’d expect them to hate us colonists the most but it’s the complete opposite: they lynch other Bantu African immigrants for “stealing their jobs” while we all live like feudal lords.

It’s analogous to the class divide in the first world. Hope those paper straws make you feel better :^)

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S*rb dogs are the worst.

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Yes, with my friends is more like a joke than anything, but elders have many prejudices, luckily I'm not black, so at first isn't evident where I'm form, but as soon as they hear my surname their attitude towards me change.
Maybe they are justified, many immigrants come to Italy and don't integrate or respect the country, they just ask ask ask, my mother used to work even on Sundays and Festivities with all kind of rude people but never said anything. We ate every shit they threw at us and will continue to do so, what can we do? We are guests here.

Bombing of belgardo president Clinton tractors free Kosovo Albanian eagle

do you live in the north of south? I heard the north is less racist

jivèla serbia

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I don't live in any place that borders portugal.

North, strangely what you say it's true, strangely because southerns face a lot of racism even by other Italians