Has the coronavirus worsened or improved your opinion of Burgerland
Has the coronavirus worsened or improved your opinion of Burgerland
>those leg bruises
If you really want to know it has severely lowered my expectations of the USA being able to handle any sort of crisis situations. Regardless of whether you blame the democrats or republicans all of this has been one gigantic shitshow which didn't appear anywhere else on earth. Nowhere in Italy did you see people protesting a lockdown or a president calling for people to protest one. There is no national unity and it's so weird to see
it didnt change anything, dumb people are still dumb in epidemics
It exposed the USA as a second world country.
It couldn't get worse
Same old Dumbfuckistan
this country spends over $1 trillion a year on "national defense" and it got decimated by a pathogen.
If you were supposed to believe this country was up to the task of dealing with Russia or China in biological warfare, look at what happened. We didn't even have 1 gas mask in reserve.
The coronavirus itself didn't change my opinion much but libertarians FIGHTAN FOR THEM RIGHTS against the lockdown boggles my mind.
the public healthcare could've save countless lives in the US, this crysis shows off all the bad things of the libertarian society
It's the same.
Some die hard religious people here expressed their disobedience by going to church. Others just ignored the bans while the majority complied
>it got decimated by a pathogen.
It did?
looks like a huge penor right?
my hate remained the same
nah, I despise it the same
Now I fucking hate the CCP with the rage of a thousand suns though
Falling in love is hard on the knees
No it hasnt
Didn't change
At this point it's hard to make it even worse, but I'm sure you'll manage
I always thought you were incompetent, and now I'm sure those CIA simulations about the Federal Government collapsing in two weeks in case of a domestic insurrections is true.
fuck burgerland im never going back to that shithole
That's a man.
They acted mostly as I expected
I'm too busy thinking about cumming inside a woman to concern myself with having opinions about various nationaleties
Coronavirus changed my opinion of nothing.
Worsened. I feel sorry for rational americans that they have to suffer with all those fat retards in their trucks protesting that they can't consume products
your livelihood isnt taken away from you though, put on hold at worst
lots of people out of work are living paycheck to paycheck, this isn’t europe, if they can’t get the money together to make their rent and other bills there’s a real chance of them getting thrown out on the street
USA confirmed third world cunt
I hated you before, and I still hate you now.
yeah kind of
so like everywhere else, you aint special, maybe you shouldnt have bought that mcphone 8000 for credit and have 16 other loans to consume shit and live in a paper house
im right, youre wrong and dumb, sorry bud thats just how it is
It's made me hate New York and Florida. Stupid fucking retards. Also the idiots that are protesting the stay at home orders, I hope they get the virus and die
Sometimes I wonder if america is real, their whole country just feels like a reality TV show. Its a joke.