On 15th February 1915...

On 15th February 1915, 5th India Light Infantry consisting of 850 Indian soldiers mutineered against the British Empire as an attempt to take control of Singapore. The Indian soldiers headed to SMS Emden, a captured German ship to free 309 German soldiers from British hands. They tried to persuade the Germans to join hands with them but most of the Germans refused to rebel, shaken by the sudden eruption of violence.

The Malay State Guides which consisted of 97 Indian Officers recruited from Sikhs, Pathans, and Punjabis which were supposed to guard the Federated Malay States quickly joined the rebellion. The English Commanding Officer of the MSG was shot dead by a sniper from his own division.

There were rumours that the Indian soldiers scoured the island "..to kill every European in sight.". However, this is false British propaganda. 14 European civilians were shot, but it was likely they were caught up in cross fire.

On 17th February, Russian warship "Orel" arrived to suppress the Indians, followed by Japanese warships Otowa, Tushishima and French soldiers to suppress the revolt. Chinese and Malay troops joined hands with the Europeans and Japanese. The soldiers outnumbered and outarmed, were captured.

On 27th February, they were publicly executed by firing, but many Indians attended their funeral, and they were seen as martyrs, and were given the title Shaheed-e-Hindustan (Martyr of India). Many of the soldiers shot were Muslim, and mosques across India broadcasted their names and their village name to the public.

Attached: 91MKXrCUDIL._RI_.jpg (2560x1920, 1.23M)

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>act retarded

britisher go slapped lol!


imagine the smell

Europeans are scum.

>Rebel against foreign occupation
>By seizing control of Singapore

Yes, you don't even fight.

Sounds more like pajeet got stepped on to me, based honorary aryans lending a hand

>chinese, japs, brits, franks, ruskies unite against the pajeet menace

>Russian warship "Orel"
>Japanese warships Otowa, Tushishima
>French soldiers to suppress the revolt. >Chinese and Malay troops joined hands with the Europeans and Japanese. The soldiers outnumbered and outarmed, were captured.
Never knew Pajeets got so much hate from worldwide.

>"hans plis hilp keel the british"

Attached: 12484201.jpg (240x210, 11.24K)


Bros why are indian men so fucking alpha?

This manliness is build by years of competing for the best place on the designated shitting street.

I was born in the streets, molded by it.

>On 17th February, Russian warship "Orel" arrived to suppress the Indians, followed by Japanese warships Otowa, Tushishima and French soldiers to suppress the revolt. Chinese and Malay troops joined hands with the Europeans and Japanese. The soldiers outnumbered and outarmed, were captured.


>followed by Japanese warships Otowa
>Chinese and Malay troops joined hands with the Europeans and Japanese
literally everyone who could, shat on streetshitter LMAO



All I've learned is to never trust an Indian

That's pretty much how all of human history has worked mate.

Why would they station Indian troops in a place where Indian inhabitants are liable to join up? They should placed Egyptians or Canadians or something there

So, more Indians?

Canadian troops in pic related.

Attached: images - 2020-04-20T181147.806.jpg (480x640, 59.78K)

Attached: D64K1ZsW0AQ5RqA.jpg (720x303, 23.46K)

what movie is that pic from?

>Indian inhabitants
I realize Singapore and Malaysia have Indian populations but this is still retarded. And the Brits posted Indian soldiers all over the globe without issue, including in British India itself.

The Forgotten Army: Azadi ke liye (For freedom)

The movie is based on another Indian revolt in 1942 that started in Singapore, and lead to the formation of the Indian National Army. The Indian soldiers mutineered against the British Empire and then the Japanese invaded Singapore and then attacked the Indians.

Will Indian soldiers mutineered against the Canadian govt?

BASED karma came for those British dogs

I doubt, they probably consider Canada their homeland now.

India was occupied using Indian soldiers. There was 1 British soldier for every Sepoy.
No colony even comes close to British India and it was conquered, occupied and staffed by Indians

I hope more poo niggers die, especially cringe shitters like op

Fuck me, it IS Canada lmao