Only 90s kids can relate

Only 90s kids can relate

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walkmans aren't waterproof

Cute Hillary

Is Varg rewriting his own history? Didn't he participate in orgies and drug use while in his band?

I don't know Varg, how come you knocked up a girl when you were 19 and abandoned her?

that was before he saw the light (of a burning church)

I thought he wanted back to stone age, but walkman is ok??

I would a young varg.

no wonder you became church-burning mudering maniac you weirdo

He's not a primitivist

She'd probably be cute if there wasn't that weird facial hair growth

Just his roots I guess. Also Udmurt Thread.

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Wow, he's literally me.

A lot of metal nerds are straight edge

>Also Udmurt Thread

People make fun of Varg but what has he ever been wrong about? Yeah yeah so he killed some guy, so what?

>straight edge
>got a random girl pregnant during orgy night and ditched the kid

yeeeeaaaa man soooo straight edge. kys.

Uralo-Turkic brotherhood.

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90s is discman

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>sXe=sexless virgin or dateless
Google it and read the term again.

>completely skips his clubbing years

walkmans were pretty popular even in the early 2000s still
nobody really used discmans outside like that, skipping and all sucked too much

I got a walkman in 98

That's a very cute girl on that photo

Except CD players skip if you move them about too move. Pretty big flaw in a device that's meant to used as you're moving around.

part of why he defended himself from euronymous's back 27 times was cause he thought he was gay and wanted to rape him

I remember an interview of his back in the day with him saying
I was chasing after hot girls when others were listening to nigger metal music or something along those lines

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Qt girl


did he actually burn a church?


kinda weird people actually follow this lying murdering psychopath