You know, playing EU4 I realized something. Imperium Romanum: >started small >fought nations greater than them or equal and conquered them all >fought all with honor and pride >spread their culture, while respecting others and adapting them to their own to become better >held out for more than a millenia >90% of their territory became developed >everybody loves Rome, and the ambition of nations over the next millenia
vs the Sp*nish Empire: >literally only happened because they got lucky and found gold and did it first >destroyed the culture of others and introduced their cancerous culture instead >literally massacred people armed with swords against their guns to spread their "empire" >almost all their former colonies are shitholes; and all of them hated them >didn't even last a century, all the other nations (England, France, etc) did their "empire" better
The Spanish were the worst colonizers and the worst empire in human history.
i remember watching a video about how Spain failed when given the setup for world domination and a lot of it had to do with the fact that Spanish settlers were not allowed to own guns and they couldn't own property without permission. This meant that every single Spanish colony needed a military garrison and the ones that did not got destroyed by the natives. The British on the other hand encouraged property ownership and guns so the colonists protected themselves and spread like wildfire.
Benjamin Evans
Smfh Spanish colonization left us with your kaguyafag face phenotype
Don't shit on meey empire like that. They're one of the most respectful empires out theere Why do you think "Roman"ticization is a thing? Explain that faggots They gave me this whiskey or whatever rome shit is writtern on it.
Ian Collins
Romans make the English look like they were Guardians of the Australian and American natives! Romans exterminated half a continents culture to the point we don't know what it was!
Matthew Russell
kraut ? based ,that's called having a big cock which the eternal anglo lacks
Isaac Howard
yeah i love his videos
Lucas Jenkins
Not true, they didn't genocide arabs in fact they elected them as their emperors.
Liam Young
Exterminating someone is one of the most evil things you can do. It is incredibly hard to do worse.
Cameron Sanders
Coping, just a simple google research would be enough to find out that Roman weren’t neither racist nor they wanted to destroy other culture or populations
Grayson Thomas
Are you supporting me or what?t
Julian Lewis
>Exterminating someone is one of the most evil things you can do
Mason Gomez
Britain exterminated North American and Australian. Rome?
Caleb Bell
they're not always accurate ,he did make some mistakes in his turkish century video ,his sources vary from actual academic and agreed upon sources to random reddit posts with alot of upvotes and reddit gold (probably him who gave it kek) these are some mistakes i spotted whilst watching his latest video 1) Romans didn't outlaw bathing. They outlawed public bathing which was often known to be unsanitary. And hell even that wasn't completely implemented. 2) The Ottomans allowed the Christians to build churches WAY before the Tanzimat. They allowed it around the time since the second seige of Vienna. 3) The quote of Ataturk where he calls Islam a "rotting corpse" is considered to be fabricated by biased sources. 4) The call to prayer wasn't banned it just had to be given in Turkish 5) The Fez is not "Islamic Headwear". It originated in Greece and was actually meant to make the Ottomans look more mordern. 6) While the Ottomans rarely called themselves Turks they definitely referred to themselves as from the house of Osman. 7) Kraut states the Caliphate started from the Umayyads and not the Rashidun.
Adrian Young
Ever heard of Carthage?
Nathan Clark
Scotland never did that.
Jason Parker
They attempted genocide against the Jews many times.
Parker Ross
I tought the Fez originated in North Africa? There even is a city named Fes
some sources say it's greek in origin and it spread with the influence of the ottomans but fell out of style in the homeland ,meanwhile the north africans still use it to this day ,even i have a fez at home ,i occasionally wear it in weddings and other festivities
Evan Powell
What are you talking about we had guns, just not as advanced as those used by the Spaniards.
The Spanish barely did any conquering, for every one conquistador there were one hundred Filipinos.
Jose Green
Fun fact, if France never duped Spain they would've had all this
andalusian east coast ? have you ever heard of the great story of the moorish patriots kicking the tyrannical andalusians from the holy land of allah ,the 13 sultanates under sultan jorge ibn al washen'tun al amereeki ? and then he established the jamahiriyat amerikya al arabia almoahada جماهيرييات الامريكية العربية الموحدة clearly you have played eu4 wrong if this never happened to you
Jaxon Peterson
>play eu4 until I culture convert all of scandanavia to an african culture >restart and do it again
Mason Hughes
>play as a muslim power >try to colonise the americas (the east coast especially) >play until the east coast is sustainable >spawn as the american caliphate >spread islam via manifest destiny
Juan Miller
They exterminated the Gauls. Half of them were killed the other half were cucked into servitude and eventual destruction of their culture.