
Extreme Anime Ausgabe

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germans are so gay

Vom Regen in die Traufe.
Schwule Sau.

fickts eich doch

kann man sowas schon melden?

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Boah aufm Handy zu posten Nerv. Scheiß Proxy auf der Arbeit. Ich will wieder positive

All fagets must be killed.

Anime is gay regardless of the country.

based /deutsch/ being based

"Heil germany"


Attached: 1200px-Logo_of_the_Syrian_Social_Nationalist_Party.svg.png (1200x1200, 74.34K)

dont you have a war to win?

Super jetzt werden alle Fäden voll geschissen von Ausländern. Habt ihr echt toll gemacht

vielfalt ist unsere stärke, brudi

Grenzen sind eh frei erfunden.

Where is my Brown NatSocGF?

Attached: C0jYbf6WEAAwUsc.jpg (906x960, 221.63K)

Don't you have a reich to build?

Das ist doch alles ein Brudi mit VPN

no, we are currently busy with killing our own people and nation.

Where is my blonde blue eyed flatchested German gf that I can ignore because I'm not really attracted to blondes but she can lust after my Arab BAC

I'm white,

And I'm surprised germans don't know
That a portions of syrians are white, despite the amount refugees in ur country.
Maybe you're accepting the wrong refugeess :/

Gtfo iraqi scum


Did you visit Dragonlord?

كس أمك نحن خلصناكم بعام ١٩٧٣


Attached: fuck off you gay faggot.png (722x525, 645.26K)

Attached: Alles was du siehst gehört dir..jpg (1200x800, 201.68K)

Probier es

Okay, but where is my White Syrian NatSocGF?

I did, but I only drove by

Let's get the fuck out before the nazis come...

>Arab BAC
>Arab big arab cock
You used arab two times

There are no nazis in /deutsch/, we are center-left

Speak English you uneducated sand nigger,

Du beist ein hund

There is no such thing as "white" there is neither a "white" culture nor a "white" identity it's only is a indicator one can use to spot dumb Americans and idiots influenced by dumb Americans when they spout this nonsense

Ich wollte dem user nur eine Freude machen uezs.

Macht jemand bitte neu. Kein Bock auf die Ausländer hier

BAC steht für British Aircraft Corporation

Attached: BAC Lightning.jpg (1440x810, 253.43K)

>um 14:30 gehtst los mit Spätschicht

I'm sorry

أنا ما اعرف أنكلطيزي

Did he come out to yell at your car ?

Idc lefty,There's only 2 genders

BITTE NEU OHNE Ausländer !!!!

Überhaupt null komfig

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صدق هتلر هو كان نازي لو هاي بس دعاية يهودية؟

Syria obviously

I agree on the white culture and identity thing BUT white people exist don't try to change reality SJW...