Do you love Japan?
Do you love me?
At least I think you love me huh?
Thank you
Do you love Japan?
Do you love me?
At least I think you love me huh?
Thank you
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not before this thread but i do now because you posted satania
these threads are worse than generals
I love you. Not Japan though lol.
I love Japan. Not you though lol.
I have been to japan once and the one thing I noticed that people walk really slowly and that japanese can't walk in big groups as efficently as the chinese for example.
Meaning that the japanese suddenly stop, change direction or block the way.
Why are japanese so clumsy?
You should love me instead
There may not flexibility at all
>You should love me instead
Why? Are you a boy?
Say something in Japanese.
I can't
Don't ask it
Think about why by myself
I will only love you if you are a cute Japanese otaku boy.
cause japan is less collectivist
>outdated browser
Okay this user is definitely Japanese.
iToddlers BTFO
Why can you judge it by the type of browser
I love Satanichia
no, prosecute unit 731 and the imperial family
He is a fat jap, so no.
ask your govt lmao
You just know.
Yes I love you and I love Japan and I love my waifu enako-chan
“fat jap” is usually slimmer than a normal american tho
I bet he's neither fat nor jap btw
>I bet he's neither fat nor jap btw
Takes one to know one
I'm neutral to Japan.
Fuck you in particular.
I'm neutral to you.
Fuck Japan in particular.
japan couldn't fucking hold my broad shoulders and inglorious appetite as a 5'11, 150 pound guy, fuck japan and its meek culture and fuck you for enjoying something i do not
I love you japan man