Does this happen in your country?
Does this happen in your country?
adderall feels amazing though, i sort of wished my mum would've gotten me a prescription.. she was legit thinking about it because i was kind of the retard in a family of high achievers and averaged c in school. alas i was strongly against it then
I was a fucking asshole of a kid because I had a shit father figure growing up. I'm so glad my mum decided not to put me on these drugs.
Yeah, it's child abuse. No wonder so many school shooters were on adderall or ritalin.
No but I wish I had mummy gf who gave me amphetamines
The fuck is school drugs
why do we tolerate mass abuse of children
wish I had a xan
Nowadays, if a child misbehaves or doesn't spend every second of his day glued to the paper in front of him, we forced them to take adderall or ritalin to "calm them down" or "help them focus", in reality, these drugs are incredibly detrimental to children's mental health.
adderall, ritalin, or some other amphetamine to make kids sit still and pay attention in class, about half of elementary school students are on them now.
In the west we feed kids drugs so they behave like zombies
I don't know any UK kids on drugs, at least not prescription ones. It's always annoyed me that American patients can basically see a drug ad on tv and then go to their doctor and demand a prescription for it. UK docs are reluctant to prescribe anything strong really.
Wtf is this normal in america only or in rest of the west as well?
probably adderall or ritalin
>about half of elementary school students are on them now.
That can't be. In my elementary school class I think 2 put of 30 kids were on Ritalin
~40% in my district's elementary school
whitoids don't want to beat the autism out of their children so they sedate them with drugs.
I didn't even realize how fucked it was that we had commercials for medication until I learned that no other country has them. I roll my eyes at most memes regarding America but anything to do with healthcare or drugs is 100% justified. We are unbelievable cruel to our own children, almost inhuman.
This stupid fad in the early 2000 proved that:
1. Most teachers are stupid and can't handle kids
2. Most parents can't handle their own kids
3. Psychology was a scam and they just used kids as guinea pigs for drugs
They try to introduce them here though at best its homeopathic nonsense because you can't advertise prescription drugs
What the fuck
I watched my brother go from being a little hyperactive to being terrified of ants and malnourished because he didn't have an appetite.
Fuck psychiatrists.
>watch almost any American commercial for a drug to treat a (relatively) minor ailment like eczema or whatever
>"Warning: Side effects include diarrhea, depression, insomnia, chest pains, disturbing dreams, unexplained homosexual behaviour..."
It does but only in very difficult cases. American healthcare is run by pharmaceutical companies so you over diagnose and over medicate.
I used Ritalin a few times to study better. One time I took 3 pills within a short period of time just to see and my hands got cold, I got really thirsty, needed to shit and started to chainsmoke which felt really good.
The only time I felt this before was when I used speed
its a tough life for the children of america
We prescribe anti-depressants that cause suicidal thoughts. We are a fucked up place sometimes.
What kind of parents are inclined to just feed their kids drugs? Is it a whitoid thing? Minorities? Working class?
they say all that shit so if you take the drug and end up gay you can't sue them
if everyone on Yas Forums was put in a steel cage and forced to fight to the death I would easily be the last man standing, genuinely
i sit here sometimes looking at the smart arse posts you little students and neets make and just chuckle to myself because if you ever said anything like that to my face (as if you would dare) you could literally be eating pavement in under a second
think on
What the fuck did you just say you little bitch navy seal gorilla warfare
lmao at this twink that thinks I won't, or wouldn't, go deliverance on his pale flabby ass
not that i'm aware of
never knew anyone on adhd, depression, or anxiety meds