
Fuck roads edition
Wreck your local roads edition

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why would anyone do that

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Jesus Christ is the living God and authoritarian theocracy is the future.

Is life a simulation?

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*cuts down the stop signs in your neighborhood*

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We just don't know


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I want a gf like this.

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outta my head you

Based. The snow plow knocked over all the parking meters in my hood one year, and all the gay rulecucks took that to mean no parking when it really meant unlimited free parking that no one ever used but me and a couple other locals

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couple goals

Bros let's be honest
socialism isn't that bad

few guys and a few cordless angle grinders could cause quite a ruckus



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depends on if you mean democratic socialism like europe or full blown Chinese Communist Party shit


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where are her tiddies

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>full blown Chinese Communist Party shit
We aren't even communist
We're Socialist with Chinese characteristics

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caught a rare one, buds

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shut the fuck up, you autistic nigger

wait that's the same person? lmao

really made me think

what us state has the most soul?

mine, obviously

time for a NIGHTWALK

seethe and cope

based lol