>humanity before 1970
everyone marries a young virgin
>humanity 2020
people compete with each other to kiss a blowjob mouth
Is this normal in your country?
>humanity before 1970
everyone marries a young virgin
>humanity 2020
people compete with each other to kiss a blowjob mouth
Is this normal in your country?
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yeah, i think so
ur mom is number 4 after im done with her
Massive cuck
>virgin women
ok ahmed
>>humanity before 1970
>everyone marries a young virgin
Lol you are delusional
So you're talking about peak free love hippie faggot era and you think they married virgins?
>t. I'm a virgin both at life and history
kekkity kek
are you wizard or is there still hope?
>in his mid 30s, grandpa marries a virgin 13yo
>she dies in childbirth
>in his late 40s, grandpa marries a virgin 17yo
unironically why can't we buy women anymore?
Youre literally a cuck
Prostitution is legal in Germany
I could become a cuck like you
you're literally an economic cuck
go home
I'm sure many men have raised children that weren't theirs before. Chad has been getting away with it for a long time, the difference is that now is acceptable.
Im genuinely confused here, what is the method used for determining tightness?
>1960s are the fabled innocence days for zoomers now
holy fucking kek
*laughs in jimi hendrix*
How many times does woman need to have sex in order for her hole to be gaping like in the memes?
Does it reallly change that much just after several sex intercourses?
Women absorb the genes of all the men she's had sex with, its called michrochimerism.
Any man that marries a non-virgin is literally a cuck.
>he kisses a girl whose kissed before
gross desu desu
>Does it reallly change that much just after several sex intercourses?
just a meme for virgins and religion cucks
>denying yourself sexual pleasure all your life because of anyone else
Top kek, if I was a woman, I would be giving my pussy all the way
>buy women
It is suppose to be the other way around.
I guess americans aren't capable of getting even a glimpse of what dowry is.
It was worse back then
>wants to be a whore
King of all cucks
benis in vegana
that doesn't sound like a very objective form of measurement tbqh. Lots of variables to consider, I think it needs more peer-review
If you are a man and you have sex with several woman you are a whore too.
I don't think having several sex partners is being a whore tho.
>I don't think having several sex partners is being a whore tho.
It is by definition
according to virgins here, if she has sex a million times with one partner she will remain 1 for life, if she has sex one single time with 2 different partners over a period of 10 years she instantly turn into a 4. obviously none of them are true.
>How many times does woman need to have sex in order for her hole to be gaping like in the memes?
Once is enough if baby is formed.
sorry but purity means no one, not one a million times and not two once
are you retarded? whore = slang for prostitute. i have been with countless girls. sluts, naive, drunk, stupid, you can call them many things but i didnt pay for any of them and they did it completely out of free will. thats not what whores do.
so she is not pure even if she is married to you and you are the guy fucking her a million time?
You are a whore too
i don't see how your previous relationships should affect anything or matter?
Because you are a blind whore
Woah. Are u a legit CCP poster, or just a Davido?
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Damn girl, you so fine I'd restore you under Imperial Uncle Liu Bei
there are many relationships where girl is a virgin but still end in divorce so insulting me won't change anything
Virgin > whore
You are trash
>there are statistics for Age of first sexual intercourse 26+