Westerners learning Asian languages

is wasting 4-5 years learning Chinese or Japanese worth the hassle?

Chinese looks interesting but, at least here in Italy, there is no shortage of cheap chinese workers who are growing up bilingual so it doesn't look like a good investment.

Because learning fucking hard languages is an investment.

Attached: kimhanfu.jpg (580x435, 75.7K)

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you learned english
tell me
was it worth?
because all I use this shit for is to shitpost
I want to go back

I think you can achieve a high level of Japanese in 2 years, it depends on how you study.

Speaking Japanese is often easier for foreigners, and will take noticeably less time to achieve proficiency than learning to write. How comitted are you to studying kanji?

Asian languages are never a good investment, objectively. Do it if and only if you work in a sector where it may be handy (electronics, luxury) or if you're personally interested.

Languages in general have a pretty low ROI. German is one of the few that is worth the hassle.

Honestly prefer the second girl desu

No. Only do it unless you have an autistic interest in the culture or are getting married to someone from that country.

I spent 4 years learning Chinese, spent time there immersed myself blah blah blah, but for business purposes it's useless because there are millions of overseas Chinese here who speak better than I ever will and otherwise have the same skillset. I don't regret doing it since I did it out of personal interest but do NOT do it thinking you'll be super marketable afterwards. Do it for fun as a hobby or not at all imo.

sexpat freak

I work and study with English though.

chinese is piss-easy to learn to speak
writing is time consuming but not difficult either

speaking japanese is considerably harder than chinese
writing japanese is just as time consuming as chinese, but also more difficult to learn
however, speaking japanese doesn't sound like having a stroke, unlike mandarin chinese

I am not NEET, I have a job.
Is Japanese a good investment though?

yes that's what I thought. There are already tens of millions of 漢人 who speak Chinese, often their dialect, English and/or their new nation's language.
So it's just an hobby.

I don't plan to go live in Asia anytime soon.

>German is worth the hassle
how so? and english isn't?

Is learning German worth it, I have a few months invested but feel like I'm wasting time sometimes

not hime but here in Italy German is way less spoken than English, Spanish or French.
So given the proximity, economic integration between northern Italy and Germany and in general german speaking countries being filthy rich and well organized, it is worth the hassle and a good investment.

Sure if you like the language, why not?

I spent about 2 1/2 years learning Chinese, and I don't really have any regrets doing it. It's a fun experience.

learning a language is intrinsically worth it for some.
others need some kind of external motivation.
do you want to live in germany, consume german media, or impress germans of desired sex to get a bf/gf?
but learning something new and challenging yourself mentally is never wasted time. maybe another language suits you better, but you know that better than anyone

thank you for your feedback.

Indeed I find Chinese funnier than Japanese to learn, especially with traditional characters.

Japanese on the other hand is an old hobby of mine.

How is your Chinese after 2 1/2 years? Are you a student?

yes english is actually very useful
unlike japanese which is only good for untranslated doujins, games and anime

are you that same retard who talked about learning taiwanese instead of mandarin? you aren't learning any of these languages

yes, they're both worth it but this board is only has sour grape losers who can't learn either.

t. knows both

t. retard who doesn't know anything about chinese or japanese

image the little smooth brain required to think the tonal language is easy to speak. yes adding a new dynamic to speaking, hearing, and thinking is easy.

>not hime
very few of us are daughters of high nobles, user
>German is way less spoken than
wouldn't that make it less useful? or do you want to have it as a skill to list on a cv?
> in general german speaking countries being filthy rich and well organized
but how does that benefit you(a thirdie btw) living in italy?

thank you for motivation friend, I do like germany and it has been a goal of mine for the longest time to learn german. however, it just feels like I'll never get to conversating level. just have to keep at it. :)

Oh yeah I forgot English, but that is just a given nowadays. It's not a plus, it's a basic requirement.
German is incredibly demanded all over Europe because German speakers have little incentive to move out of their countries so there are few German speakers outside of DACH, even though your competitive economies make the knowledge of German valuable.

>tonal language is easy to speak
but tonal languages are easy to speak.
could it be, user. could it be that you are mentally impaired?

Viel Glück! :)

that can be said for any language besides English (or Russian in the CIS, French in Francophone Africa and some diplomatic jobs, etc, you get what I'm saying), I don't think it has anything specific to Chinese or Japanese so I don't get your internet rant because basically nobody learns Chinese nor Japanese nor Korean in European countries anyways (according to Eurostat it's less than 1% for all ad every European country)

sure thing retard. your zero knowledge of them and ability to speak them really is reassuring.

you're an idiot who has trouble with chinese characters, but you're trying to call somebody else impaired? what a joke. you can't even learn a couple thousand kanji in a few months? must suck being a smooth brain. considering how you're so mental you think the tonal language is easy to speak it's no wonder.

i guess you don't even have a forehead and are just missing the front part of your tiny brain

>internet rant
You may want to look up the definition of rant

if anything seems like a much much better option to learn Japanese or Chinese rather than say Persian or Hindi or Burmese or Swahili

>It's not a plus, it's a basic requirement
heh, hadn't heard of this acronym
>competitive economies make the knowledge of German valuable
but as you said everyone already knows english. doesn't just knowing english suffice?

>chinese is piss-easy to learn to speak
>speaking japanese is considerably harder than chinese

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Attached: Language Learning Difficulty for English.png (1366x2499, 831.03K)

My Chinese is fairly good. I'd say about B2 in terms of CEFR. My motivation for learning was those Bruce Lee movies that my parents showed me when I was younger.

I guess I'm not a student any more since I just recently finished all my exams and that was my final semester.

japanese has grammar beyond sentences being SVO, making it more difficult

>muh grammar
imagine thinking conjugation and some grammatical points are difficult. little children who don't even know how to write the alphabet know grammar just from being babies and you're bragging about it?

the only difficulty any grammar has it when it comes to editorial stuff as adult level otherwise it's not worth mentioning, gimp.

>but as you said everyone already knows english. doesn't just knowing english suffice?
I guess it does most of the time, but knowing the native language in which documents and projects are redacted is useful and cuts eventual inefficiencies.
Besides, the proficiency in English of Germany is kinda overrated in my experience.

>trouble with chinese characters
it isn't difficult, it simply takes time learning thousands of characters
>the tonal language
user, learn to speak your native language before talking about other languages

>proficiency in English of Germany is kinda overrated
drop the kinda. most germans are retards when it comes to english


Italian speaks Japanese fluently.
He lives in Osaka, Japan usually, but he got corona-virus crisis on Italy, when he went back to his home in Italy. He can't leave Italy because of Lockdown.

why so aggressive? Chill dude

Chinese has the simplest grammer out of all major langagues on this planet.

No verb tense, no conjugation, no grammatical number, no grammatical gender, no noun classes. The most complex grammatical feature of chinese are terms of venery.

So the hardest parts are pronouncing tones right (could be tricky) and learning the characters.

>no noun classes
mandarin does have them, but their not mandatory

>i don't know chinese or japanese, but i've got a strong opinion about which is easy that's based on my imagination without any evidence or personal experience. no, i've never spoken or learned a tonal language but my 80 iq tells me it's easy

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>So the hardest parts are pronouncing tones right (could be tricky) and learning the characters.
The hardest part is learning all the fucking chengyu they use 2bqhwy

>Chinese has the simplest grammer out of all major langagues on this planet.
sure, but that doesn't necessary translate to being a "very easy language to learn" for other people that speak other languages because many factors are involved into what makes a language easy or not