1. Your cunt

1. Your cunt
2. What would you do if you walked into a Subway and saw this?

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>shitty posture
>shitty jaw
I'm not scared his genetics confirm he will not kill.

Wait patiently in line while shitposting on my phone

Why would someone walk with an AR on holst freely? Just for the sake of freedom? Thats nigger tier thinking right there.

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Greet him, ask him how his day was while we're in line, and tell him to have a good day when we part ways, like if it was anybody else.

>Why would someone walk with an AR on holst freely?
Because The USA is full of niggers, if i were surrounded by apes i too would carry an arm. WHich is why im never visiting brazil again without a rifle.

Call the cops.

Fuck off, we're in line not together at a bar!

this nigga reviews backpacks or something on youtube

please dont come to brazil you scum

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inform him that open carry isn't legal in this country
also try to get his autograph

call the police and watch him get gunned down

His daughter is cute though

Fuck off faggot. I don't want to be your friend and get to know you just because we happen to be standing in the same spot for a couple of minutes. People that start conversations with strangers in public are fucking scum

I've seen this before irl, these aren't the type of guys you should be worried about, they're just making a statement. I'd be more worried about shifty crackheads outside the door 2bh

punch him and call the cops

Turn around and leave

A shirt with "i have a very small penis" on it would be cheaper

Why yes, I do start conversations with strangers in my proximity.

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Well, that makes public interactions more awkward. How are you not going to talk to someone when you're outside? It's human interaction. Unless you stay glued to your phone the whole time.

I stay glued to my phone so faggots like you won't try and talk to me

Seething Yankee

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>they're just making a statement
Why? What "statement" needs to be made?
>"Well if it's LEGAL to open carry I NEED to open carry, yeah, I bet the possibility that I might snap and have a bout of incel rage and shoot up the Subway restaurant got that cashier wet"

Ive never seen a school shooter with chad features desu


He looks totally nonthreatening and clearly just making a point, I'd check out the menu and see if tuna is on sale

>Just for the sake of freedom?

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Wouldn’t care desu. I don’t get uncomfortable when I see people with guns because I’m not a cowardly yuro.

I think it's funny that Euros would probably be more concerned with him open carrying than with people concealed carrying; actually just terrified of the sight of a gun.

Ok, so say you are on your phone. What are you doing, you are not on this website?
When I walk around and people are waiting it is always they are on phone.
It is uncomfortable I think, like nobody is really there

That's because Euros don't have to worry about getting shot

I may eat UMA DELICIA but i will never eat in this garbage

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Open carry of hunting arms is legal in Chile in rural regions. When I go to vacations in my family estate I often see huasos with a revolver in their belt or a shotgun slung in their back.

Only of hunting arms? Might as well ban firearms completely.

By that logic, wouldn’t I be the one who should be more scared seeing a gun? Yuros just aren’t used to guns so they mythologize them. Once you get exposed to them, they stop being scary.