Do Japanese people cheat a lot?

If yes, why?

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Cheat as in on tests or on their partners?
Idk about tests but cheating on your partner is pretty normal in Japan

Sadly yes. But it's also human instinct. Cheating on your partner makes the possibility of your genes last in this world increase. Our ancestors have cheated on partners and cucked other couples. We are descendants of cucked and cheaters.

>possibility of your genes last in this world
Abe Shinzo should find a better strategy for your people.

What do you mean, Dutchman?

Because people are busy and have high expectations for a relationship, and decide they don't marry for love but for expectations. So they get those fulfillments emotionally and physically at host and hostess bars. These days people are skipping the marriage and children part and just going to bars. Or some just don't go out at all.

Just a joke about birth rates.


It doesn't work, you see. Having sex around does spread your genes, but it takes a functional family to raise a kid.

Is that how things are in Japan or S. Korea?

no, because japanese girls are pure

Yes. Horny

not as much as you

Salarymen must suffer so hard. I'd much rather be a delivery guy or something if I lived in Japan

I should have become something like truck driver, construction worker of plumber.

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but your dog eating girls are working hard in japan

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Why are you so insecure? Does the fact that cheating is a common behaviour makes you upset? It's not only in Japan.

Yeah it seems like a much less stressful option, even if the pay isn't as good

>Idk about tests
Yes, they made a movie about it

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most people's opinions on japan/japanese are so useless like you wouldn't believe

they are living in the world of youtube and gossips

>it seems like a much less stressful option

> even if the pay isn't as good
Unexpectedly, these blue collar jobs are paid very well.

Service industries needs lowly paid and low skilled workers a lot. So white collar jobs' wages decreased a lot.
On the other hand, blue collars are unpopular, and such industries lack workforce. So their income are kept high.

Have you never heard of gossips of illicit affair around you in real life?

Is it considered a war crime to give a knee strike to Indonesian heads for kek? Just a friendly greeting, not take it too seriously, bro.

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I kinda feel like going back to blue collar sometimes. I'm a programmer now, but I kinda miss when I drove a delivery van. It was pretty chill, just drive around listening to music, carry some boxes etc., don't have to worry about much

maybe each of us live in different social class
people in lower class like retard things

has your brain ever worked properly?

> but I kinda miss when I drove a delivery van. It was pretty chill, just drive around listening to music, carry some boxes etc., don't have to worry about much
Wow. That's chill.

And it's same here. I used to be a warehouse worker. Things were simple. I carry heavy stuffs from place A to place B. I load boxes into trucks or unloaded them from trucks. I was slim and girls paid respects to me for my physicality and a few of them asked me out. Now I am a clinic clerk and sit on chair at reception and look at computer display for 7 to 8 hours a day. I gained 10 kg of weight and feel unhealthy.

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We have 150,000 to 200,000 of abortion operations every year. I wonder how many of these pregnancy are of illicit affairs.

860,000 of births were there in Japan last year, by the way.

who knows

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