what's the worst thing youve ever seen
What's the worst thing youve ever seen
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a mirror
IRL? Probably my parents banging and they didn't stop when I walked into the room.
Online? A documentary about child porn where they showed actual CP, albeit censured some of it. Made me physically sick, still feel bad about it sometimes. Much worse than any gore or beheadings I've seen.
state of my life
I got someone killed
this thread
Motorcycle accident. The screaming. God it was terrible.
IRL my step-dad trying to kill my uncle
story time user
dead body of my cat probably
how is that not considered CP, regardless of censorship? lol sorry, I'd feel the same way about both
this post
daisy's destruction
I'd rather not since talking about it makes me want to kill myself
IRL: I once saw a guy who had a car accident, we passed him by the school bus in the morning, he was on the ground belaying and screaming, I still remember his clear red blood that looked like pomegranate juice, clearest blood I've ever seen, his two children were in the back seats, a girl and a boy, the girl was crying and the boy was unconscious, don't know if he lived or died.
cmon my child. Bare your secrets. Maybe I can help?
took my dog to be put down a few weeks ago. had her since i was a kid, best friend since i got her. long story short she started having trouble walking. vet let me stay with her while they did the deed. gave her some sedatives beforehand so she’d be calm throughout the process, she eventually fell asleep on the floor in the room then they gave her the shot to stop her heart. while giving her the shot she reacted to the pain by nashing back trying to bite the vet so i had to hold her down. it didn’t take very long so it’s all good. everyones going to call me a pussy but i dont give a shit. i miss my fucking dog.
Idk, you never saw any genitals. But they showed the "intro" or whatever, a very small child with blurred face sittning in a sofa, then a man comes in and undresses her, then starts raping her. There's a black box censoring the details but you can see the man fucking the small child. Made me ill for hours, had to turn it off.
It was the man's biological daughter aswell.
Really boggles my mind that some men actively seek this shit out and get enjoyment out of it.
> Probably my parents banging and they didn't stop when I walked into the room.
Umm why didn't they stop? Did they notice you? Are you their biological child?
My brother threw my baby chicken from the roof to teach it flying, it got died.
everytime I see my reflection in unexpected times
> My brother threw my baby chicken from the roof to teach it flying
chicken can fall gracefully though albeit it's old enough
They can't show that shit in a documentary
My best friend's corpse. It will haunt me for the rest of my days
some cat remain splattered near a bus stop. I guess it got run over by one since there was some bits of fur and and a bright spot of blood and guts
There's not much too it, it was my girlfriend at the time. I insisted we go out to eat for dinner, she wanted to stay home, I insisted, so we went out. Got into an accident, she died, I didn't.
I was like 7 or 8 maybe, walked in to their bedroom and said "mom I can't sleep"
All the while my dad is on top of my mom and banging her, he pants out "go back to bed, me and mommy are discussing plans for tomorrow" while still thrusting
I didn't quite understand what I saw but I knew I didn't like it. Also yes I'm their biological son
narco shit
How did he died?
That's not your fault and if you do blame yourself, then you are either pathetic or a lame ass bitch
One would think so
>All the while my dad is on top of my mom and banging her, he pants out "go back to bed, me and mommy are discussing plans for tomorrow" while still thrusting
Do Euros really? Like Cmon man, are your parents awkard, assholes or such?
How did he die?
It was a small one, those you get on the street for like half a dollar
I saw a dying person that fell out of the window when i was 6-8 years
It was a woman in a white night dress covered in blood and choking on something.
I went home and continued watching shaman king.
Your parents are way too based.
12 year old girl getting tossed around and probably gang raped by about twenty 18 year olds in Mozambique
kid dying of starvation in Mozambique on the streets that I saw every day for 3 months and learning his parents lived just across the street (they ate well)
injuns with guns about to blow my brains out when I stumbled upon a drug trade in the woods in canada
my chilean ex trying to kill herself violently in chile for 2 hours while I withheld her physically
For me, it’s the screams. You instantly know if it’s real or not
He was hit by a train
It's literally my fault you retard seeing as I was driving.
They're both weird people, also they are both really narcissistic. Sometimes when they fought they started taking it out on us kids instead, pretty fucked up if you ask me
That's not much of an explanation. What tf was he doing on tracks? Was he a turk at least?
Sorry to hear that user, hope you are living on your own and doing well
grow up
Wasn't any audio. Why the fuck are you watching that shit man?
you should go see a psych my friend
>"go back to bed, me and mommy are discussing plans for tomorrow" while still thrusting
Your dad is an impulsive coomer, he didn't stop or pretend he was doing something else even though he knew that could potentially traumatize you.
my moribund dad after getting shot four times
You can’t see anything, if you’re worried. Just don’t click if you’re particularly sensitive
My older siblings got the worst of it. Unfortunetly I'm still living with both my parents at 25 years of age since I'm too mentally unfit to live on my own. Shit sucks but what can you do
i understand this feeling.
some years ago, just after new year's eve, a cousin showed me a full on porn video of a little girl having sex with who supposedly was her father.
it's a strange feeling, you don't think such things exist until you witness them.
>What tf was he doing on tracks?
No clue, I only found the aftermath. Suicide perhaps? I will never know
What's in the vid? Bit spooked to click tbqh
>and probably gang raped
good anime
k fuck you too
Is it worth it user
was it on some lonely tracks? why did you find him before the cops came?
:( That would suck
Why would anyone in Sweden would kill himself?