post better designs for your cunt's flag
Post better designs for your cunt's flag
dont put writing and coat of arms on your flag
1. if you are writing on your flag, your flag has failed its purpose
2. a coat of arms is its own thing
the day a leaf tells me what to do
i actually like the bahamas flag, looks like an arabic flag in the caribbean
then enjoy your retarded fucking flag, and i'll just be here laughing at you.
A fucking leaf
if honduras made navy blue the official color of the flag
>retarded fucking flag
get out of my thread zhang, I would stomp you out in real life lmao
>all his flags are how i described them
lmao @ ur lief, kid. get some fucking taste.
Flags need to be recognizable from a distance, and are seen mirrored half the time. So they need to work at 12 pixels tall and can't have writing. The Yas Forums US flag has 11 stripes and stars - yet it still works. Your design has an unrecognizable smudge in the middle.
yeah boi, tell em
>looks like an arabic flag in the caribbean
is that a good thing
you guys, nicaragua and el salvador need to just agree to get new, different flags with different colours
this will bring some butthurt from other pricans, but this is clearly a superior design.
come on now.
the most based flag imo
i sewed a patch of it on a camo jacket i have
Just imagine if "popery" was the biggest problem your country had to deal with.
pic related is herzel's proposal from 1896
some other proposals
God, did he draw it in just 5 minutes??