Post better designs for your cunt's flag

post better designs for your cunt's flag

Attached: 1.png (2560x1536, 215.63K)


dont put writing and coat of arms on your flag
1. if you are writing on your flag, your flag has failed its purpose
2. a coat of arms is its own thing

the day a leaf tells me what to do

i actually like the bahamas flag, looks like an arabic flag in the caribbean

then enjoy your retarded fucking flag, and i'll just be here laughing at you.

Attached: flag2.png (990x672, 73.5K)

A fucking leaf

Attached: 897FD460-62FA-4418-888C-1FEBAF142FC7.png (956x600, 69.99K)

if honduras made navy blue the official color of the flag

Attached: d4d2e284813bf18c6ee8a1db5ee2b4e6.png (800x400, 6.93K)

>retarded fucking flag
get out of my thread zhang, I would stomp you out in real life lmao

>all his flags are how i described them
lmao @ ur lief, kid. get some fucking taste.

Attached: 1540873008185.jpg (960x575, 23.83K)

Flags need to be recognizable from a distance, and are seen mirrored half the time. So they need to work at 12 pixels tall and can't have writing. The Yas Forums US flag has 11 stripes and stars - yet it still works. Your design has an unrecognizable smudge in the middle.

yeah boi, tell em

Attached: 1.jpg (700x442, 38.2K)

>looks like an arabic flag in the caribbean
is that a good thing

you guys, nicaragua and el salvador need to just agree to get new, different flags with different colours

Attached: Flag.png (480x270, 71.76K)

Attached: 1498682073812.jpg (588x393, 171.51K)

this will bring some butthurt from other pricans, but this is clearly a superior design.
come on now.

Attached: 1572168966689.gif (325x217, 2.03K)


Attached: external-content.duckduckgo-17.jpg (500x496, 65.63K)

Attached: 1562734857360.png (2250x1500, 261.51K)


Attached: file.png (489x500, 373.56K)


Attached: New_York_Union_Flag_(1775).svg.png (1050x700, 34.64K)

the most based flag imo

i sewed a patch of it on a camo jacket i have

Just imagine if "popery" was the biggest problem your country had to deal with.

Attached: Brasil ideal.png (1024x717, 35.77K)

pic related is herzel's proposal from 1896

Attached: golus-herzl27s_zionist_flag_svg.png (800x533, 20.17K)

some other proposals

Attached: d795d7a8d799d790d7a6d799d795d7aa-d793d792d79c-d794d79ed793d799d7a0d794.jpg (1323x1398, 561.44K)

Attached: Flag_black_yellow_5x3.svg.png (1200x720, 3.31K)

God, did he draw it in just 5 minutes??