STOP LYING JAPAN! Chinese looking men can be handsome NO JOMON blood needed!
STOP LYING JAPAN! Chinese looking men can be handsome NO JOMON blood needed!
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It's really funny how every time a Japanese/Korean/Chinese "attractive" person is posted, it's one that looks as white and not Asian as possible.
>looks white
do mutts really?
It's the prominent nose. And most Chinese don't have one.
He doesn't really look white though.
why should they be handsome,to set your life goals by how others perceive you isnt a good idea,you should only please god then yourself,hope i helped and sorry for my offtopic reply.
That look as white "as possible." I'm not saying they look white, but they try to have as many Caucasian features as possible.
big brain post
Since when is having a prominent nose a Caucasian feature? Fucking Arabs and Indians have it.
He doesn't look white at all. Just because someone looks attractive and you can't admit that, doesn't make them white looking. There's nothing non-chink about the structure of his face at all.
Bait. Everyone knows a self-respecting muslim would never post on a homosexual board devoted to pedo Chinese cartoons.
Who will whiteoids ever recover?
you are talking about what was,also i really enjoy the discussions here,while there maybe better places to discuss topics peacefully,but the transparency in the replies here is great and makes the posts seem more sincere,i really appreciate it.
Those features are unironically pretty white though
Arabs and Indians are racially Caucasian, if you get autistic about the definition of race
no it isn't you mong, there's plenty of mongoloid population with these features naturally, without a drop of european admixture.
Don't fucking bother, most of the people on this board are underage; if not physically, mentally.
Yeah, and a lot of Scandinavians have slanty eyes and round faces like East Asians. The point is these squarehead features are more commonly found and associated with whites. I don’t think these features were praised and looked up to in the East before contact with European civilisation. It’s undeniable that European beauty standards have influenced Asia and the rest of the world for that matter, I mean look at the way that man is dressed and the way he styles his hair. Where do you think this fashion originates?
Ainu Jomon is naturally most coolest east Asian.
>Chu say? I'm coming for that ass, wh*Toid
>The point is these squarehead features are more commonly found and associated with whites. I don’t think these features were praised and looked up to in the East before contact with European civilisation.
ever heard sundadontic mongoloids fucktard?
Kennewick man skull shape analysis:
>Anthropologist Joseph Powell of the University of New Mexico was also allowed to examine the remains. Powell used craniometric data obtained by anthropologist William White Howells of Harvard University and anthropologist Tsunehiko Hanihara of Saga University; this had the advantage of including data drawn from Asian and North American populations.[24] Powell said that Kennewick Man was not European but most resembled the Ainu[16] and Polynesians.[24] Powell said that the Ainu descend from the Jōmon people, an East Asian population with "closest biological affinity with south-east Asians rather than western Eurasian peoples".[26] Powell said that dental analysis showed the skull to have a 94-percent consistency with being of a Sundadont group like the Ainu and Polynesians and only a 48-percent consistency with being of a Sinodont group like that of North Asia.[24] Powell said analysis of the skull showed it to be "unlike American Indians and Europeans".[24] Powell concluded that the remains were "CLEARLY NOT A CAUCASOID UNLESS AINU AND POLYNESIANS ARE CONSIDERED CAUCASOID".[26]
seem so, so fucking thick jesus
I don’t care about the genetic makeup of some fossil. You’re being dense. We’re discussing the Eurocentric beauty standards that have taken hold of Asia.
aren't squareheads a pretty korean phenomenon
>skull shape analysis
>genetic makeup
my mongy friend, if these people existed even before they meet european, what do you think their beauty standard were? a chink?
Pointless to talk to ignorant people.
If it doesn't fit in a preconceived stereotypical notion of a certain people, the feature must be foreign to them even if it is literally present on these people.
Mongolian has most biggest chasest body of east Asia which they would fuck white east europ woman.
Jomon Ainu has most coolest yet very asian face from east asia
glad your people learn from your mistake, i was triggered reading about dutch wewuzer on a chink website before.
not every civilization started and influenced by european people holy fuck.
Nah, you’re thinking of moonfaces
Bro I don’t care about some fossil, you people dress like Europeans that alone should be enough to tell you your fashion and taste in beauty has been influenced. Fact is most Asians don’t look even remotely like the people they consider attractive. I don’t care if some ancient Siberian tribe that went extinct 3000 years ago had identical features to modern Europeans, that has no bearing on why Asians now consider these features attractive. It’s irrelevant, you’re being ridiculous and ignoring the answer right in front of you out of sheer pride and delusion.
You think he's actually Dutch? They're some of the worst shit posters on this board, I'm legitimately surprised to see a reply like this, which is why I am doubting its authenticity.
>identical features to modern Europeans
jesus, im fucking done with you dude, get help.
he's being sensible and seem educated tho
Jomon has only people who has those face naturally which kpop plastic subhumans copy face from
Bro I could not give less of a shit about a fossil. We are discussing beauty standards and fashion. Why are you so obsessed with this fossil?