Anybody else have phobias that are hard to deal with? I'm fucking terrified of all kinds of dogs. I'll cross a street just to avoid being near one. They never seem to like me either because they bark at me and nobody else.
Anybody else have phobias that are hard to deal with? I'm fucking terrified of all kinds of dogs...
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You're not cute
you're not quirky
That's because dogs can smell stress hormones you retard. Don't get eye contact, just act normal ffs!
They know you fear them. I always act chill and 99% of dogs I encounter are either nice or just ignore me.
I don’t know why but a couple months ago I developed a fear of possums. I guess it’s not that hard to deal with tho
I don't liek spiders, even when i encounter small ones i try to grab the biggest thing at hand to kill it
I'm with the doggos on this one
I am really really afraid of cars and the road and getting hit by cars in the road. I get so stress every time I have to cross a road or ride in a car doesnt help that Chicago drivers are psychotic
Spiders and insects in general. It's not that I mind them around that much unless they are huge as fuck ones but close up shots in movies and documentaries creep me out. Something about the way they look and move is just creepy and goes right into the lizard brain.
I used to be a bit scared of dogs but it seems to have gone away
When on the toilet I'm scared a rat might emerge and bite me in the balls, so I stand up to pee
>so I stand up to pee
Wait, there are people who pee like girls?
Some do that
Simp as fuck
It makes sense if you have to shit as well
I do, it's cleaner and healthier.
Definitely not in public toilets
Mine isn't so hard to deal with, but it is embarrassing. I'm afraid of birds. When I was a kid, my family went on a trip to a beach and a huge flock seagulls flew in my direction right over my head. I've been afraid of them since.
>I do, it's cleaner and healthier.
Yea? Well now try being 34 and have an irrational fear of a fucking kids movie
swimming in natural waters is tough piece for me
Fish. I can't even begin to describe how abhorrent these creatures are. First of all, their disgusting "skin", if you can even call it that, covered with slime. Their ugly tail and fins that look like a living brush. Their vile, repulsive stench that never fails to make me want to throw up. And above all, their face with unsettling dead eyes, constantly staring at you, and their never-closing mouth which is bad on its own, but absolutely freaks me out when the fish is still alive and is desperately gasping.
I have never eaten fish, not since being a small kid.
I'm afraid of houseflies because of the noise they make.
I have the same thing.
It makes it tough to swim either in the open ocean or off a deep pier. A beach is fine because it’s a lot lighter blue and you can just walk up until your feet touches ground.