
pup edition

Attached: IMG_20200419_194031.jpg (1536x2048, 302.16K)

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm addicted to this image.

Attached: 1587347647826.jpg (724x925, 499.94K)

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>Berg grew up in West Whiteland Township, Chester County, Pennsylvania, a suburb of Philadelphia.[4] He was referred to as a "religious Jew."[4] Berg's family became concerned after not hearing from him for several days.
How frequently do you guys keep in touch with family?
I often don't respond for weeks at a time

Best edition.

Attached: IMG_1223.jpg (1600x1200, 370.72K)

First for my bananaphone

Attached: Nokia-8110-4G.jpg (960x540, 63.71K)

about the same. depends on what’s happening

nth for Samoyeds

Attached: IMG_20200419_220647.jpg (645x380, 37.36K)

Very regularly, especially if I'm traveling. I've talked with 5 different relatives today.

Once a day or two.

want that in all black

Very good posts.

Vote in the VERY important poll if you haven't yet


Attached: BusRide.jpg (540x720, 75.69K)

At school I called my parents probably twice a week. Now I'm staying with them. My sister and niece call basically every day.

BBC phone

thats me

Attached: 3DD23931-ADC4-47EA-8E9F-BD2FE1149D45.jpg (550x550, 22.06K)

Not skinny enough.

>thats me

Attached: homophiles off buildings.jpg (1280x960, 462.14K)


I can't start my day without BBC (Big Black Coffee) in the morning.

Went into a wooded abandoned path for a stroll for maybe 2 hours. Didn't tell my parents and they almost called the police.


Canadians are no longer allowed to make fun of us because of mass shootings.

Attached: pupketty.gif (499x320, 1012.27K)

i want to buy one of these mugs desu

Sounds like fun.
Why would they call the police?

I honestly don't get why eastern Canadians are so violent.


I would chew them out

Something less subtle for you

Attached: 5F4A82D2-B29F-403D-B726-708BC13B137B.jpg (630x630, 32.02K)

>go to dlive
>the front page video playing is Andy Warski singing "I hurt myself today"

They didn't know where I was and it was maybe 11pm when they noticed I was gone.

That doesn't sound healthy.

sashy posted "death to mutts" on an italian proxy

its over bros, he was fake nice.

I’m done

Attached: 59BFC4C8-2792-408E-9B71-14ACD2F3E76E.jpg (2448x2448, 928.59K)


Attached: 1582560146755.webm (720x1020, 1.85M)

Maritimers are honorary New Englanders

That's pretty late to go on an abandoned trail. Still, you're an adult.



Attached: 1582993528548.webm (720x900, 721.44K)

Nice! I hope you enjoy them.

Based sashy. I'm going to make her my gf now.

I see those pictures all over Yas Forums my dude

I love when dogs and cats get along. My sister had a dog and eventually adopted a kitten. They would cuddle together sometimes.

Not even close to proof.

Excellent post
Another excellent post

Attached: 1586967313665.webm (720x404, 2.46M)

>italian user happened to have the same filename for the same picture and posted it in sashys thread
having a hard time believing otherwise bros

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-04-19 at 11.19.56 PM.png (1498x1083, 419.3K)

Attached: 1587060139731.webm (640x800, 1.78M)

Dog is man's best friend.

Attached: d3db873d8f6b1629f75435403fde158b-imagejpeg.jpg (1080x1212, 104.42K)

wtf i HATE sashy now

Attached: balloon bois.webm (480x480, 1.4M)

I like this thread.

Phone kept dying on me before I could tell them I'm good. Very frustrating.

I wish I could post my dog webms/mp4s with sound on Yas Forums

Attached: inu spin.webm (340x426, 544.54K)

An Italian could have saved it from the same source. There's a fair number of Italian anime posters.

Ah, I gotcha.

Attached: build a bear dog.webm (596x896, 2.86M)


Attached: really2.jpg (500x750, 59.41K)

We should make sashy answer when he arrives ITT

Attached: peacekeeper.webm (720x1268, 1.75M)


Attached: jealousy.webm (320x400, 1.08M)

based referee doggo

Attached: doggy breakout.webm (230x400, 1.64M)

Watching Rick and Morty right now. God this show is dog shit.

Attached: dog and bun.webm (918x1078, 2.33M)

Oh my.

What do Mexicans call pups?