>Doing another all nighter since I gotta go to the store early in the morning
>Decide to entertain myself with vidya
>Play Modern Warfare
>Ragequit after two games due to SBMM keeping me at 1.00 KDR
>Play OG MW2
>Ragequit after Harriers and tryhards destroy my anus
>Play RDR Online
>Ragequit after two horse races because some kids used his moms credit card to buy better horses, and also punched me off my horse right at the finish line
>Think about playing Runescape
>Don't even start playing it since I'm just gonna keep grinding Agility and will soon have to grind hunting Chinchompas to buy another bond.
I've just been at the balcony thinking, "Do I even enjoy playing vidyagames anymore"? I'm 24 years old and it now feels like a time sink that makes me rage rather than provide fun. There's always that little voice in your head that tells you to actually be productive and learn new skills. Does this happen to you more as you age? I think I'm gonna start quitting vidya once and for all
Growing out of vidyagames
Other urls found in this thread:
>once and for all
Are you Him?
just move on
stop acting like an addict searching for his first high
I also hate blacks, chinamen, italians, anglos, irish, azarbaijanis, albanians, romanians, arabs, pakis, pajeets, armenians, turks, phoenicians, mexicans, russians, and most importantly G*rmans. Anyways how do I get an American nordic gf?
>stop acting like an addict searching for his first high
Do you think doing more acid is gonna help?
I'm almost on the same boat. I still have fun playing vidya with friends but almost stopped completely playing alone. It's just boring
who cares do whatever man
>Waaah sbmm
>Waaah tryhards
>Waaah little kids
Sounds like you should git gud or quit
love the thumbnail and totally agree with it
based techlead poster
Wrong board jew
I'm also 24 and I've been thinking about this recently. Every online game is a combination of pay2win, peer to peer connection or incomplete games tied with future dlc. I played Black Ops 4 zombies recently with my zoomer cousin who I rarely see and it made me feel like a legit boomer. I looked up videos of zombies on youtube to see what's changed when I got back from their house and see kids in the comments getting nostalgic about Black Ops 2, while I was already getting out of my gaming phase at that point. Playing some of the older Cods on backwards compatibility since has made me realise that the games were never that great and that it was the community and culture at the time that made them fun. I still know that I could have fun on them if the conditions of my early teens were replicated, but none of the Call of Duty or sports games are designed to last. It's a testament to this with the yearly cycle in which they pump them out. A quality piece of entertainment is something that stands the test of time, but the allure of these franchises is to keep you hooked with yearly instalments to make you sink your time. They are a memento of their time in culture, regardless of the quality of the product. Video games hook kids in during adolescence and then continue to keep them coming back to future instalments through nostalgia.Look at how many remasters or sequels have came out this generation. The only games that are worth playing are single player games, because they provide something of value sometimes, like a well written story or a well designed challenge. Online games keep you hooked past the point of having fun. I know that a game like Metal Gear Solid 2 will always hold value for me, because the game holds the same value in 2001 or 2020 because the game relies on itself completely. Online games are designed to keep you grinding. Once you quit irl becomes easier because you have more time to create a better life.
Yeah, video games stopped being fun a while ago. The problem is I never filled it with anything else, I just kind of browse Chans mindlessly, and zone out until I get tired.
I gave up playing video games regularly when i started college in 2006. After that I just played them periodically, or binge on roommate's systems once in a while.
currently i avoid playing online for all the reasons youve cited, and i still don't play video games that often (until recently when the lockdown stuff started)
>>Think about playing Runescape
>>Don't even start playing it since I'm just gonna keep grinding Agility and will soon have to grind hunting Chinchompas to buy another bond.
Get back into runescape, its literally the best game on the market.
Yesterday was the first time I palayed a online game for 10 years. It was some kind of open source shooter game minecraft like filled with russian. It was with friends and it was more about socializing. Beside that I never played a single online game since age of empire 2 in 2011. My addiction was gone at the same time I had found a real hobby. It's been almost ten years and I still have friends from high school that kept on trying to be popular on twitch to justify their addiction. Don't be pathetic. If you play a video game, don't do it for escapism or "nothign else to do" drop a snes emulator and play those classics games instead. Play video game like you were in a film festival. Most importantly, if in a week you play more than 5 hours, you have a problem. Develop a skill, go to university witha dream and purpose. Make sure you have a social life.
that's a cut drawing, is it yours?
Ah, no; it isn't - lest I give the wrong impression. It's from Pixiv pixiv.net
Yeah I remember how the COD franchise from COD4 to Black Ops was so enjoyable to play at the time, I do remember how I was in a gaming clan and my friends played it so it was much more enjoyable. It seems like all games today require you to invest so many hours for virtual items that will be worthless once the new fad game comes out, its designed for kids who have way more free time to waste than adults like us who have jobs and goals and aspirations to pursue.
>Look at how many remasters or sequels have came out this generation.
I wonder how long they can keep this going for, its gonna get a bit ackward once they run out of games to remaster and have to provide sequels to those games. We already know that the next COD is going to be a soft reboot of Black Ops, what's next? MW2 Soft Reboot remastered remastered?
Checked, you're supposed to be filling up this time with hobbies and passions, you should take time to figure out new interests if you don't have any currently.
Yeah I've been trying to and it has been enjoyable, my friend plays it religiously so he always encourages me to keep grinding at it. I've played since 2007 off and on so the nostalgia still hits me pretty well.
What hobbies have you pursued leaf? And how old are you?
Hello fellow autist
games worth play
>Arsenal of democracy
>Yakuza 2 kiwami
>Eurotruck simulator
>69 con
Just buy gold bro
>It seems like all games today require you to invest so many hours for virtual items that will be worthless once the new fad game comes out
It's true. Imagine if a game like chess rewarded you with extra queens in place of pawns for doing ridiculous time constraining objectives. The state of DLC is telling as well. They started selling you parts of a game for £8-10. Then they started releasing things like that multiple times instead of rarely. Then they started taking things out of the game and selling it to the players (I remember Dragon: Age Origins having a quest that led you to the Bioware dlc page when you tried to do the quest). Now they don't even try to hide it, in the form of things like supply drops or games like Fifa with the ultimate team game mode. Some games don't even come with a single player at this point so you are getting even less value than a game of 10-15 years ago.
>I wonder how long they can keep this going for
For as long as possible. Once the PS5 and next Xbox comes out, watch how quickly fan favourite franchises like Bioshock, Arkham series will get remastered and re-packaged again at full price. The amount of original projects that are actually iconic from the last 5 years is not even comparable to the innovation and leaps that games made during the late 90s/early 2000s. Everything is clinging on to the past. Expect new iterations of Halo, Fallout, Mass Effect on future generations.
I have the planks banked for rejuv pool, just never got around to it.
>I'm 24 years old and it now feels like a time sink that makes me rage rather than provide fun.
Just play single player games. I'm 24 and still enjoy games, but I prefer story based single player or rpgs
>you're supposed to be filling up this time with hobbies and passions
What hobbies do you do? What are you passionate about? I used to draw, but alas, I've no-longer the motivation for that.
i though you like English women shahar?
Try to dip yourself into different interests you already have, especially ones that you can monetize. I myself like guitar music so I started playing guitar around 2 years ago, might pick up the drums too soon.
I'm trying to study InfoSec and get into Penetration Testing too since I majored in a Tech field major, definitely see if you can monetize your hobby or your passion and maybe you could escape wageslavery forever while at it
No A*gloids don't deserve my ginormous atheist Ashkenazi penis
Why so shouty?
Find a new hobby or try different video games. Online shooters are for kids so as you get older you should grow out of them. Try some boomer games like WoW classic, Oblivion, Minecraft or Crusader Kings.
Yep, I am the same age as you and I've been also feeling videogames get less and less interesting. I was never one to play AAA titles, mostly stuck around MMOs and RPGs like wow or skyrim.
Recently I wanted to play skyrim and the wait felt pretty good, I installed a bunch of mods and couldnt wait to play it only to get bored a couple of hours and realize I didnt really want to play it, i just got nostalgic about the time I was playing it.
Same goes for WoW. The game is such a timesink that I feel an extreme sense of guilt that I played it instead of doing anything productive. I had the hugest urge to play classic but I had to skip on it because I was accepted in a nice uni for my major
I think we're just maturing user. We subconsciously started to realize that we arent kids anymore and that gooming wont lead us anywhere good in life and that we need to get it together.
Fuck being a goomer manchild.