Do universities have sex parties in your country?

do universities have sex parties in your country?

i just learned from Yas Forums that british universities do.

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don't know if they have "sex parties", but most universities usually end in a lot of sex

how would i know

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You haven't been to one yet? Lmfaoo loserrr

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>state of those "asses"

no, but there used to be secret gay gathering fb group in my uni, i don't know if they organized sex party or not but some lecturers and students were suspended with undisclosed reason.

my thoughts kek

post your favorite ones from here

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There are a few meme clubs which do a few parties a year thats kind of it

If you don't get laid during your uni years here it's because there's definitely something EXTREMELY wrong with you

it's somewhat understandable in high school but if you didn't learn your lesson there

No idea, I went to university but I never socialized or went to parties.

it's the all-consuming void inside my soul

is being gay a crime in poland?

nvm im drunk and mixed the colors

No, not really.
Wouldn't participating in one of these parties ruin your career forever?

1st year of uni gone and i'm still khv, still got a chance??

>it's somewhat understandable in high school b
It's not

yeah mate, you still have 2-3-4 years (?) to go

people definitely talk about college like it's some kind of non-stop orgy but in reality most college kids have relationships and most people have only had sex with a small handful of people in their lifetime

Black guys must really kill it in those kind of sorority parties, easiest place to get laid as an African man.

When I was in college they tried to have an orgy on my Chem lab partner's floor but there were only four women and the RA got butthurt and shut it down.

Jesus fucking christ

Imagine the smell


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Nearly finished uni and still khhv.
Nothing wrong with me.

Probably yes, but I missed anything related to it.

Wait a minute... Are you telling me, that young people like having sex?? This is proof that the world is owned by jews and NWO liberal glowies, let me link my manifesto real quick so you'll understand the world as I see it

Is uni different in other countries? Here it's extremely easy not to get laid, you're never forced to socialise so you can spend your entire time just going to classes, not talking to anyone, then going home.