How come South America is so much whiter than Central America?
How come South America is so much whiter than Central America?
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everybody in south america is black
We're much BLACKER. That's why.
Are there any Black Brazillians?
South America was less densely populated than Central America when the European arrived
It always surprises me how White Colombians are. I always thought the typical Colombian looked like Karol G or J Balvin or something.
we are all blacks
well, karol g and j balvin are pretty average for here. Anything "whiter" than them is less common imho
I had a nightmare that I was in hell. It was just me and a computer, browsing latino bait threads on Yas Forums with nothing but brazilians, americans, colombians and mexicans replying to the posts.
I don't have an answer, but I do know there have been waves of immigration to SA from different parts of Europe at different times, to my knowledge at least to Chile and Argentina. So there is more white genes to the mix here, I would suppose?
Chile received Germans in the south in the 1800s (there is even a german colonizers museum in Frutillar), some Italians in the early 1900s, Croatians and others. Argentina received lots of Italians, apparently so did Uruguay?
On the other hand, the most developed, most powerful precolumbian civilizations in América were based in current-day Perú and Central América (México and Guatemala?) They probably remained in larger amounts after the invasion and contributed more to their gene pools. In other places, tribes were less organized, with smaller numbers. They probably did worse at surviving the invaders. Many were hunted and terminated as vermin, to make way for colonizers.
Spaniards did mix with the locals. I wonder just how much.
Chile is just as mestizo as Mexico is.
>how white colombians are
pic related, resident schizophrenic congolombian 0n
Everybody in South America is BLACK BULL mixed with AMERINDIAN BULLS. We are the bio product of that godly crossbreed and we are called BLACKMAERINDIANS. Big, strong, fast, HUNG and blessed with a stamina and sexual prowess that hasn't had any precedents since YAKUB, the BLACK SCIENTIST, created the white limpdick bois and europoids in his laboratory to piss off the BLACK PEOPLE.
We are, indeed both Amerindian and Black, not half Black, not half Amerindian, FULL BLACKMERINDIAN.
The world is ours. Our SKIN is DARK, or future is BRIGHT.
colombian women on the dating site he's on
Reminder that Argentina is whiter than USA. No amount of amerimutt seethe will change this fact.
For me, its Kitty
0n honestly isn't average
Less slaves due the cold winters and larger surviving native populations.
america is like 56%(lol) white, with those whites being almost all 100% white, and lots of puerto ricans and cubans are castizos
Argentinians are mostly castizos and mestizos, and the ones who aren't are like 10% non-white
claro, 0n es el unico morocho en un pais de arios
Colombia no es homogenea. Los afros viven en la costa pacifica (donde vive 0n). La mayoria de la poblacion son mezclaos, no arios como vos decis, pero mestizos con mas carga europea que todo al norte de nosotros. el colombiano promedio es 64% euro, 10% africano y 26% nativo. Paises como Brasil tienen incluso mas carga europea que Colombia y tambien tienen carga africana mas alta que nosotros en promedio
He's not denying that tho
>with those whites being almost all 100% white
>all Americans are mongrels
Ok, mutt.
mexican calling someone a mutt, lmao
we're literally the same people too, if I'm a mutt you're definitely a mutt. Americans are white though, I dont get the latino copes. who cares about being white
The average admixture for americans is 98% white and the white people who are less than 98% white are only around 10%.
obviamente colombia es un pais mestizo (con elementos de negro de la costa) pero hay un congo, no se si es 0n o otro, que trata de decir que colombia es un pais lleno de "blancos".
cada pais ha recibido imigracion europea pero igualmente casi cada pais tiene genes amerindios y negros. el colombiano promedio es un mestizo, basicamente como 0n
yeah, average colombian (if the whole country were homogenous) would be a "harnizo" with some african traits
Los colombianos son todos morenos pero no se los digas porque se acomplejan y niegan su identidad.
0n es indio no mestizo
leidy is 100% a tranny, look at those arms, the fact that these "females" are alone makes me wonder what is stopping them from getting a man
We are all mixed in some way.
We all have white, brown, black, asian, amerindian population and everything in between.
That being said, the southern cone is still whiter than central America.
Or less dark, if you will.
yo creo que si toda la poblacion de este pais fuese homogenea, serian similares a la señora que va hablando por telefono abajo. Por cierto esa foto parece de alguna ciudad de la costa atlantica por la manera como va vestida la gente y por que se ve gente con rasgos africanos, pero no negros como en el pacifico
Hilarious how you Mexicans try to differentiate each other.
ni sabes q es un indio
che asuka
we are 0% white
South America has a lot more recent European immigrants, while Central Americans are almost all mestizos from the 1600s
>son todos
la cosa es que no son todos. Aca hay negros, morenos, mestizos, "blancos", y gente que no seria considerada morena. Aunque blancos en el sentido de la de la palabra (90-100% euro) solo un poco menos del 2% de la poblacion lo son. Pero un 35% de colombianos marcan >70%+ euro
According to tinder passport, I am very popular with the women of Argentina. I hope to one day visit and make the country that much whiter by spreading my seed. :)
callate cosmo
Que mal, acá somos todos AMERINDIOS de pura cepa y orgullosos de eso.
why do americans brag about being ignorant
el 0n no es feo, lastimosamente es un manlet y se esta quedando pelon por el estres, puta la vida es injusta maje
falso, en Argentina 26% del la gente marca 90-100% euro y los que marcan >70%+ llegan al 63%, casi el doble del promedio de aca y 13 veces mas gente que pasaria en el rango de "blanco" comparado a Colombia
(self identified)
I wonder how many brazilians are at least 50% black, not to mention 40%
to me anyone with black ancestry, curly hair and darkish skin is black
The problem is, you Americans consider "European" as one race, and you think you're white because of it. The truth is, all of you are a mix of British, Irish, Italian, Polish, German, Iberian and some amounts of other races that aren't from Europe. You're all mutts, it doesn't matter if the majority of races come from Europe. If your ancestors don't come from a single place (let's say, 100% German), you're a mutt.
if all the black people of the world looked like this... woould black people even exist?
Se nota que nunca has estado acá, en Argentina somos todos amerindios, tenemos rasgos faciales que se comparan casi perfectamente con aquellos encontrados en descripciones gráfcas y estatuillas de la gente del pueblo Inca, Mapuche, Tehuelche y Gauaraní.
Because south america is mostly indio and central america mostly black, indios aren't that dark, that's why.
This picture must be 15-16 years old. So, I think maybe it was taken at Bogota.
antes tenia pinta de chad pero tenia autismo
>I think maybe it was taken at Bogota
Not with those clothes. That's obviously from a warmer weather city