>tfw even leftists hate t*rkey
Really makes you think
Tfw even leftists hate t*rkey
Both the right and the left FEAR the kara bogs
Wtf but Armenians are WHITE!!!
Based giant chicken
I don't get it, are they describing things that didn't happen?
On paper, western leftists all support Kurdish commies, so thats not surprising. Even though, they are now eaten by their own ideological arguments, as in strictly opposing any nationalism, but in the same time advocating for Catalan or Kurdish ones.
Neither of them are legitimate genocides
wtf I love turkey now
nationalism of oppressed peoples has aways been promoted by leftists
Western leftists however end up with schizo argument tho.
As for example using their popular arguments against Western cunnies:
What is a legitimate "Kurdish" "culture" even? There is none. Its a made up category.
Being against Turkish, Arab or Iranian migration? Being against Iraqi Sunni Arab refugees moving to Kirkuk, Erbil and further? What are you, a Nazi?
Being against Islam and putting secularism or Yezidism above else? Are you Islamophobic or something?
And above all, siding with Western governments and especially Americans is a nono. Stop being lapdogs to capitalist imperialism, scum (if you look into how the parliament of Iraq worked out and especially how the Kurds there acted after the ousting of Saddam, you would understand this part).
God, they have no idea what the clown world meme actually means.
>OMG le epic nihilisterino clown meme is not being understood!
i don't follow
vete a la mierda Kahloisto
>thinks its nihilism
tldr: at least in the case of western ones, they don't really believe in the "nationalism of oppressed peoples" anymore or even if, they could only do it by ignoring all their theories they use against others.
Have already seen a lot of them actually supporting the Chinese in regards to Tibet etc, as the Dalai Lama has/had this CIA-connection or something.
Based. You just decimated the entire Leftoid narrative in 8 lines.
left wing nationalisms is mainly used as a tool against imperialism
of course a leftist is not going to support a form of irredentism that will benefit imperialists
Why are Americans obsessed with the Armenian genocide?
Armenian lobby, simple AF.
Because Kim Kardashian is Armenian and she talked about it and all the retarded femoids that watch her stupid shit started pretending to care about it
Is there such a thing? I mean I think Hungarian kids don't even learn about the Armenian genocide in school, because it is such a minor event. Last time irl I heard about it was something the Armenian minority chimping out because somebody said that the Armenian Holocaust sounds stupid.
Are you a turkroach, homie? Wanna be genocided sometime,?
No Pajeet I'm not a Turk.
Do you question Armenian lobby or genocide? I mean, almost no one talks about Irish genocide for example, and that's only because they have no political power in the US.
And "Armenian Holocaust" does sound stupid, it's like saying "Russian nigger" but unironically, considering holocaust is very particular term.
>Irish have no political power in the US
>Who are the Kennedys
>Who is Biden
>What is Tammany Hall
Then why you take turkrouach side, mutt? I could care less about armenians genocides commited by islamic ape are VERY real. STFU if you don't know the history.
Irish lobby is a meme though, as compared to Jewish, Armenian or even Greek.
What ideas are they pursuing, except for being 1/8 Irish and catholics?
>"leftists end up with schizo argument tho"
>ends up listing schizo strawmen and rambling about talking points nobody has
Back to wörk, AfD-cuck.
I mean both there power is a joke. Also start shit get shit.